
If You Want Gods Best

If You Want God's Best (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek begins a study confronting us with a decision: Do we want God’s best in our lives or are we willing to settle for second best? In Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, there were four types of soil, only one of which produced lasting results. That was the good soil. We must aim to be good soil, for what we achieve will depend on the response of our heart.

If You Want God's Best (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In today’s study Derek points out that God wants us all to be fruitful, and He has provided all that we need through our knowledge of Him. Provision comes through knowing Jesus Christ and appropriating the promises of God’s Word.

If You Want God's Best (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek begins today’s study with a basic principle which is: If you want God’s best, want God’s best. Want it—settle for nothing less! Derek uses the example of Jacob and Esau to show how God feels about the one who strives after His blessings. The other is described as “godless” as he despised his birthright.

If You Want God's Best (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today’s Derek focuses on the importance of keeping our eyes on Jesus. We must see Him as our example and not let anything deter us from attaining the goal set before us—to complete this life as God wants. Jesus, as the Author and Finisher of our faith, is our righteousness, our example of suffering, and our resurrection. As we walk through this life, it is imperative that we keep our focus on Him.

If You Want God's Best (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek continues this study today by looking at the importance of meditating on God’s Word. As you meditate on it day and night, doing all that is written in it, your way will be made prosperous and you will have good success. Derek puts it this way: Think God’s Word, speak God’s Word, and act God’s Word. A very important lesson!

If You Want God's Best (6)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek shares on the importance of knowing the Holy Spirit as a Person, the third Person of the Godhead. Jesus referred to Him as “He,” not “it,” and talked about the role He would play in our lives when He came. Paul spoke about the importance of the Holy Spirit when he said that as many as are led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God. The word “sons” implies maturity, which is what God expects of us.

If You Want God's Best (7)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek talks about the importance of hearing and obeying when God speaks to you. Using examples from Scripture, he shows how receiving from God is based on hearing the voice of the Lord and obeying Him. Jesus said His disciples are those who hear and follow Him, and we need to cultivate hearing the voice of God.

If You Want God's Best (8)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Continuing with the theme of hearing the Lord, Derek stresses our need to be discerning of what and how we hear. Where is our direction coming from? Is it scriptural? We cannot just accept any impression as being godly, or from God. Choose your friends and associates with care.

If You Want God's Best (9)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek looks at the eternal—that which can’t be seen, and the temporal—that which we can see all about us. The temporal is passing away and will leave us empty, but the eternal is where God and His promises can be found. These are what He has for us if we keep our eyes on that realm, and not on current circumstances. If we chase after riches they will flee and leave us destitute in the end.

If You Want God's Best (10)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In this final study on this topic, Derek talks about our need for resting, and letting God choose what is best for us. Instead of worrying and being anxious we need to learn to trust our heavenly Father to take care of us, as He has said He would. If we truly want God’s best, we will leave these choices to Him.