
Fear of the Lord, The

Fear of the Lord, The (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek begins this study of the fear of the Lord by looking at fear that is not from God so we can recognize the difference. Natural fear, demonic fear, religious fear, and the fear of man; these he breaks down to show us what marks them out.

Fear of the Lord, The (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek begins looking at what the fear of the Lord is, using a picture from the natural that illustrates the spiritual realm. He then explains how this fear is worked out: by having no other gods before the Lord, giving God total preeminence, and an absolutely unique place in our lives.

Fear of the Lord, The (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In this study today we see Jesus in Isaiah’s prophecy—Isaiah 11:1–3—with the seven Spirits of God resting on Him, and His delighting in the spirit of the fear of the Lord. Derek emphasizes that if Jesus needed the fear of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit imparted it to Him, how much more do we stand in need?

Fear of the Lord, The (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek looks at the early church in the book of Acts. As the church walked in the fear of the Lord, they had peace, were edified, and they multiplied. Fear of the Lord also produces submission to one another, and is important to our conduct here on earth.

Fear of the Lord, The (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The fear of the Lord is the key that unlocks wisdom, understanding, and so much more. Derek touches on Scriptures from Job, Psalms, and Proverbs that very clearly state these important truths. The only channel to receive the wisdom of God is the fear of the Lord. It comes into your spirit and enables you to begin to see God’s purposes and counsel.

Fear of the Lord, The (6)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek begins this week looking at various passages in Psalms concerning the fear of the Lord—focusing on its benefits and blessings. We receive direction on how to develop this fear and what it can mean in our lives if we’re willing to be taught. Finally, we get a picture of the man who fears the Lord and all the blessings that are his.

Fear of the Lord, The (7)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek looks into Proverbs where wisdom calls out to be heard, also revealing the consequences of rejecting knowledge and the fear of the Lord. There is no room for compromise with evil; we must cultivate this fear to gain the Lord’s provision of long life as well as quality of life.

Fear of the Lord, The (8)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today’s study continues in Proverbs looking at benefits of living in the fear of the Lord. Benefits include: strong confidence, a place of refuge, the fountain of life, avoidance of the snares of death—these are some of the breathtaking promises found in this book.

Fear of the Lord, The (9)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek gives a sketch of a man whose heart is perfect or fully committed to the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream. That tree doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its leaves are always green. There are no worries in a year of drought and it never fails to bear fruit. In the fear of the Lord, our roots go down to the source of life, which is God Himself.

Fear of the Lord, The (10)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek finishes this study with steps leading to attaining the fear of the Lord. The first is to make a decision to seek it, and turn yourself over to the Holy Spirit, your Teacher. God has put men in the body of Christ to teach and rule—let them into your life. Let the Word have first place in you. Study and be a doer of the Word of God.