
You and Your Household

You and Your Household (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In this week’s series, Derek points out the necessity of believing God for the salvation of your household, giving advice to NOT lose the joy of your salvation, NOT give in to discouragement, and to always lean on the Scriptures. By way of example, Derek presents the fact that through the righteousness of Noah, his whole family was saved. Joshua also spoke for his family, when he testified that they would all serve the Lord.

You and Your Household (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek looks at Abraham and his example as a father. God knew that Abraham would command his children to keep the ways of the Lord. This principle carries on through Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Proverbs. The requirement and responsibility for the family rest primarily on the father. The benefit is that the whole family will be blessed.

You and Your Household (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In today’s study we look at the faith of Job for his children. It’s important for us to know God’s assessment of Job and the outcome of his endurance. In considering this story of Job Derek lists three lessons for parents: To teach your children the way of the Lord, pray for them, and set a godly example.

You and Your Household (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek looks at the courage and faith of Rahab the prostitute in her obedience to tie the scarlet cord in her window. She also convinced her family to come stay in her house in order to be saved. Though she came from a life of darkness, her faith became an example for New Testament writers, and her life was changed in such a great way that her name appears in the lineage of David and Jesus.

You and Your Household (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In this week’s final study Derek looks at a woman whose daughter was demon possessed. This mother’s faith and desperation obtained deliverance from Jesus. She knew that by Jewish law she was unclean, but from a position of humility she approached Jesus, begging for just one crumb, and reached His heart of compassion. In like humility and faith, we need to approach the Lord for our households.