
Key to a Successful Marriage, The

Key to a Successful Marriage, The (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Your marriage can last! Successfully married 30 years to Lydia (until her death), then to Ruth, Derek understood what it took to make a marriage relationship work. Listen and discover the key to a successful marriage isn't complicated-it is covenant.

Key to a Successful Marriage, The (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Is it possible to have a happy, fulfilling marriage? The answer to that question is "yes" -- when you do it God's way. And that is what you'll learn as you listen-the biblical principles of marriage.

Key to a Successful Marriage, The (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

What is the real purpose of marriage? There are any number of answers that might be given to that question. Listen to the rare insights Derek gave into God's true purpose for marriage. With touching insight, he explained just how intimate and wonderful the relationship between a husband and wife can be.

Key to a Successful Marriage, The (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Counterfeits That Cheat Us God's idea about sex is far removed from the counterfeit that is portrayed in mainstream media today. Learn about the great joy and fulfillment sex can bring within a covenant marriage, as well as the havoc it creates outside this God-ordained relationship.

Key to a Successful Marriage, The (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The key to a satisfying, successful marriage . . . Today, we will learn not only what the Bible has to say about the roles each spouse in marriage, but we will also discover the two common basic failures of husband and wife. Listen and learn how to receive the grace we need for our marriage to be all God intends