
How to Find God's Plan For Your Life

How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Perhaps you've never understood that God has a plan for your life. Or you may have an inner awareness that God has a claim on your life and a task for you to fulfill but you don't know how to discover what it is. So you feel frustrated and unfulfilled. Derek presents practical steps to discover God's plan for your life.

How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

The Bible is so practical, so down-to-earth. So, when we're looking to find out what God's plan for our life is, where does the application start? It starts with our body. God asks that we present this body of ours to Him as a living sacrifice.

How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

In finding God's plan for your life, the first step is being born again in Christ. The second step is presenting your body to God as a living sacrifice. Then, when those steps are taken, God begins to renew your mind-to change the whole way you think. His will is unfolded in three successive phases: it is good, then acceptable, and finally perfect.

How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

If we wish to find God's plan for our lives, we eventually realize that, as individuals, we are incomplete. We must become a committed member in the Body of Christ in order to function in accordance with God's purpose. Joined with other members, we can work together to fulfill God's plan.

How To Find God's Plan For Your Life (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Once we come together with other believers in committed relationship, functioning in our place in the body, we see that we must be suitably equipped to be effective. Spiritual gifts are given by God to be our equipment and they follow logically as part of our calling.