
How Do You View Your Body?

How Do You View Your Body? (1)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek begins this message today with a scripture from David proclaiming he was fearfully and wonderfully made. He then lists some scientific facts about the make-up of our bodies only God could have done. We are then admonished by scripture to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God.

How Do You View Your Body? (2)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today we look at how we are to treat our bodies as God’s property; temples of the Holy Spirit. Derek wants you to see you will be answerable to what you have done in the body and treated it. One day our bodies will be changed to glorified ones and until then we are responsible for these temples.

How Do You View Your Body? (3)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek opens today’s message by asking ”How should we treat our bodies?” Going through various scriptures he addresses the need for us to consider what and how we eat, and the nutritional value. We need to use wisdom in taking care of our bodies.

How Do You View Your Body? (4)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek begins today by going over some recommendations for preventing cancer. He then talks about exercise, gives a list of dietary needs, and discusses findings from U.S. departments concerning various food groups. His concern for our health is clearly apparent in these messages.

How Do You View Your Body? (5)

Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek tells about a time when he almost died and in seeking the Lord about it, was shown scenes among which he was in restaurants. God dealt with him about his eating habits and he takes what he has learned and shares it with us for our benefit.