
Agreeing With God

Agreeing With God (1)

March 9, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek begins a study on agreeing with God. To agree means to harmonize our ways and thoughts to God’s. God has said in His Word that His thoughts are not ours and His ways are higher than ours. Since God does not change, then it is up to us to agree or harmonize with God. We need to line up our ways and thoughts to His.

Agreeing With God (2)

March 10, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek returns today to Isaiah 55 to examine how we can receive God’s ways and thoughts. As rain, it immediately soaks in. But as snow, it is sometimes a hard saying. The temperature has to change, we need time to let it melt. If we respond rightly, it ultimately brings God’s ways and thoughts to us.

Agreeing With God (3)

March 11, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

In this study, Derek looks at what it means to change our minds—another way of understanding repentance. He shows us through Scripture how repentance precedes forgiveness. Derek then explains the benefits of meditation on God’s Word and how this process of renewing our mind will cause us to prosper.

Agreeing With God (4)

March 12, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek looks at four main areas in our thought life that needs to change if we are to bring our ways in line with God’s ways and God’s thoughts. These four areas are: objectives, priorities, attitudes, and categories. The first objective in living should be to aim for God’s glory and His satisfaction. For all things are from Him, and through Him, and to Him.

Agreeing With God (5)

March 13, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek presents the second objective of God to our thought life: that is, the need for excellence. Derek uses creation as his example. All that God created was counted as “good.” But when all of creation is taken as a whole, it was considered “very good,” or excellent. God wants excellence in every area. That was His standard at creation, and He’s never lowered it.

Agreeing With God (6)

March 16, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek continues this week in looking at how our thinking needs to change to agree with God’s thinking. Today he looks at the priorities of God, the first being to bring heaven to earth—as exemplified in The Lord’s Prayer. The second priority is to put the eternal before the temporal. Don’t miss this solid teaching.

Agreeing With God (7)

March 17, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

In today’s study Derek shows us that God is interested in the little things as well as the large. He cares about our faithfulness in everything we do, not just the big “important” responsibilities. Until we grasp God’s infinite attention and care for the small things, we won’t really appreciate how much He cares for us.

Agreeing With God (8)

March 18, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek looks at the two sides of God’s nature—His mercy and severity—which run all through the Bible. Looking at Old and New Testament Scriptures we see He is consistent: full of mercy for those who will turn to Him, but bringing judgment upon those who will not listen and obey. Which camp are you in?

Agreeing With God (9)

March 19, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Today Derek looks at one of the categories God uses, the first being spiritual. Very simply it is this: a person is either walking in faith or unbelief. This applies not merely to believing in the person of Jesus, but also in the message of the gospel. Faith is pleasing to God and brings results; unbelief brings condemnation and emptiness. It is a decision we must each make.

Agreeing With God (10)

March 20, 2015 • Host, Stephen Mansfield

Derek finishes this study of agreeing with God by looking at opposites in God’s categorization of morality. A matter is either in the light or in darkness—there are no gray areas. Is something a lie or is it the truth? Is it sin or is it righteousness? Do you love God or the world? You can’t have it both ways. If you love God, you will change your thinking to align with God’s thoughts and ways.