
You Matter

Saved for Service - 2/12/2017

February 12, 2017 • Pastor Adam Steinbock

How many Ministers do we have at Crossroads? Be Carful how you answer! God gave his mission a church, and we all get to be a part of it. You Matter, We'll examine our role in Jesus' church. Do your actions show Jesus' church matters to you?

Created for Community

February 5, 2017 • Pastor Zach Dewitt

What is the value of life in community? Today as we continue with part 5 of our You Matter series, we take a look at the value God places on biblical community. It is through biblical community that we grow in our relationship with God as we love and care for others.

A Story of Hope

January 29, 2017 • Pastor Jeff, Chris Maki, and Kristi Maki

The Bible makes clear that our God is a compassionate God who is close to those who are walking through the valleys of life. Today as we continue with part 4 of our You Matter series, we have the distinct privilege of hearing from Chris and Kristi Maki regarding their journey over the past year following the tragic loss of three of their children. As you’ll hear today, people like the Makis who are experiencing life’s trials, challenges, and tragedies matter deeply to God and they absolutely must matter to us as God’s people as well.

Why Be Welcoming

January 22, 2017 • Pastor Jeff

When’s the last time you felt like the stranger? The outsider? The person who didn’t fit in? The fact is that sadly sometimes churches can be a place where people feel that way. Today as we continue with part 3 of our You Matter series, we’re going to look at why God would have Crossroads be a welcoming church and how we overcome some of the barriers that can prevent that from happening.

The Value of One

January 15, 2017 • Pastor Jeff

What is the value of one human life? Today as we continue with part 2 of our You Matter series, we take a look at the value God places on the life of someone who is far from Him, and in the process we’re going to be challenged to look inward at the value we ourselves place on that same person.

The Look of Love

January 8, 2017 • Pastor Jeff

Jesus said the world would know His followers by their love, but is that true for us? This series entitled You Matter, we explore the biblical view of love and why it's absolutely essential in order for us to be able to stand before other and convey the truth that "you matter."