
The Rewards for Running the Race

September 20, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson • 2 Timothy 2:4–13

As we continue our bible study in the book of 2nd Timothy, Pastor Blake teaches from 2 Timothy 2:4-13. He asks the question: who are you passing the baton of faith to?

Finish Strong

November 1, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson • 2 Timothy 4:5–22

This week for the Emmaus Experience Wednesday night bible study we continue in our study of the book of 2 Timothy. Pastor Blake teaches on chapter 4 on how Paul teaches that regardless of how people faltered in ministry in the past and had a rough start they still can finish strong for God and do the work God has called them to. It's not how you start, it's how you finish.

Run Your Race With The Audience In Mind

October 25, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson • 2 Timothy 4:1–8

God is looking down at the way you live your life. Your works and words will be judged by God. Judgment is not designed for you to fail. This is not a short race. Endurance is the key.

Running Third Leg in the Relay of Faith

October 18, 2017 • Pastor Blake Wilson • 2 Timothy 3:10–17

Our purpose is to go to the ends of the earth and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, not to be comfortable in the church. There's always temptation to give up while running the race. When you teach the word of God, lives will be changed and disciples will be made.