
Choose to be Rich

March 1, 2015 • Pastor Randy Discher

This weekend, Pastor Randy Discher starts a new series called How to be Truly Rich. Are you rich? The average American earns $47,440 in one year, putting us in the richest 0.36% of the world. But when you look at your life, our society and your surroundings might make you think otherwise. Maybe being rich isn't just about money?

Take Calculated Risks that Pay Big Dividends

March 29, 2015 • Pastor Sean McDowell

To close our series, How to be Truly Rich, Pastor Sean shares a message about the importance of taking risks as a follower of Christ. The men who cut a hole in a roof to get a man to Jesus took a big risk with their actions. We too need should take similar risks to introduce people to Christ.

Leveraging Your Wealth for Eternal Gains

March 22, 2015 • Pastor Randy Discher

It is exhilarating knowing that your money can have eternal value when leveraged for God's glory. This long-term view of wealth helps us recognize ways that God is calling us to impact our world with the gospel. This weekend, Pastor Randy Discher continues the How to be Truly Rich series by highlighting how we can make a lasting impact through the ministry of our global partners.

Growing Your Portfolio by Investing Wisely

March 15, 2015 • Pastor Randy Discher

Most of us have experienced anxiety and fear because of our finances. Those insecure feelings occur when we put our trust in the wrong place. If we want to be truly rich, we need to recognize God as the source of all our resources and use them in ways that will honor Him.