
citylifeU internship

Discover Your Purpose

The citylifeU internship program is meant to equip, train and disciple young leaders and prepare them for ministry. During the program you will be stretched and challenged to grow outside of your comfort zone and grow in your gifting and God given purpose. Here is what the program would look like for you.. Sit in weekly leadership classes meant to help you grow in various areas of leadership, and learn values and principles of leadership Continue in your college education either through Lee University, citylifeU School of Ministry or a local college which we will partner with to ensure you receive your elective credits. Be a part of a community of interns and leaders, which will meet regularly throughout the month for chapels, devotionals and intern led Hangouts. Stay connected to a Mentor who will offer guidance and support for you throughout your journey in citylifeU. Grow in your calling as you spend time with leaders and Pastors throughout the week, being trained in a specific area of ministry and getting opportunities to excercise your gifts. Our goal is to help you become the leader God has called you to be. We understand the growth and experience it takes to go to the next level of purpose in your life, and we want to help you get there. We also understand the importance of all areas in your life including education, spiritual growth and discipline. We have designed our internship to compliment all of these areas. The theme of the Fall Semester is Rise, Grow and Lead. You will see this throughout your internship to remind you of your purpose in the program. You have been called to RISE to God's calling on your life, GROW under the leadership He has placed in your life and to LEAD a new generation of disciples taking all that you have learned and fulfill the Great Commission. "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age,” (Matthew 28:19-20).