
Navigating Intrusive Thoughts


February 18, 2024 • Pastor Ben Adams

Ever have a thought, idea, or image come into your mind from out of nowhere that is uninvited and typically unwanted? We all have them. They are called "Intrusive Thoughts". The question is, "How do we navigate them?". Our Brains can often be compared to the CPU of a computer, commonly referred to as the "brain of the computer". That is why the devil often tries to influence our thoughts so that he can hurt, confuse, cause doubts, add stress and anxiety to our lives, as a means to try and hinder the plans that God has for us. God's Word holds some beautiful truths concerning the renewing of our minds through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Ben Adams prepares to share with us a critical message for everyone, titled, "Navigating Intrusive Thoughts". Share this with friends and family and invite them to City Church. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 11am. Remember for those who are not able to attend church in person, Pastor Ben will begin preaching around 11:25 and we will live stream his message on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Like or Subscribe to those pages to be alerted when our live stream is up and running.