
Peace, Courage and Unlocked Doors

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017 • Richard Dahlstrom

When have you experienced fear?

When has shame caused you to shy away from God?

What fills you with fear these days?

When have you experienced Christ show up in the midst of your fear and/or shame?

What is significant about the peace of Christ? Where do you experience His peace right now?

What most often gets in the way of peace for you?

When have you experienced peace in spite of difficult circumstances?

When Jesus showed up with the disciples, he said, Peace be with you. What would it be like for Jesus to show up and say that to you?

What else do you hear him say? Why?

What do you need to give up as your own? What keeps you from surrender?

Is there something God is asking you to do that you are resisting?

What can you do to live without fear and shame this week? What thought, belief, or action can you relinquish so you hear more clearly, Peace be with you.