
Activate: Week 1

January 8, 2012

January 8, 2012 • Dan Jarrell, Jay Pullins, Rick Steele


1. What comes to your mind when you think of the phrase "Kingdom of God?"

2. Every kingdom has both a king and the citizens of the kingdom. In a whole and healthy kingdom, both the king and the citizens have privileges and responsibilities. What do you think are privileges and responsibilities of the king? What about the citizens?

3. Every local Christian church is a part of the larger kingdom of God. What do you think keeps us from working together as a part of that kingdom and how do you think we can go about overcoming those obstacles?

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Activate: Week 4

January 29, 2012 • Dan Jarrell

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What do you think it means to be a "member of Christ's body?" What part in the body do you believe you were designed to play? 2. Do you have a personal ministry? If not, why not and what are you going to do about it? 3. If you were to show your closest friend both your calendar and your check book, what conclusions would your friend come to regarding what you are passionate about in life?

Activate: Week 3

January 22, 2012 • Dan Jarrell

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "church?" 2. Read the challenge the Apostle Paul gives to husbands in Ephesians 5:25-32. What does this passage say about Christ's love for the church? Consider Ephesians 1:22-23 and 2:21-22. What more can you say about the church from these two additional passages? 3. In light of what you've learned, why do you think a follower of Jesus should both love and be actively involved in the church? Practically, what does an appropriate love for and involvement in the church look like? How does your love for the church measure up? What about your involvement in and support of it?

Activate: Week 2

January 15, 2012 • Dan Jarrell

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. In light of today's message, summarize what you understand God's purpose in the world to be. 2. How should any local church be a part of that purpose? How might ChangePoint be a greater part of that purpose? What do you think your part might be in the global purpose of God? 3. Are there specific things that God is telling you about how we might Activate our church to have greater influence in the lives of people, in the community of Anchorage, in the State of Alaska, or in the world at large?