
Stop Going To Church

The church is so much more than a building, a club or an event.

How do I invite someone to church? | Aaron Sturgis | Central Lutheran Church

October 29, 2023

If the church’s mission is to “Help all people find and follow Jesus,” how do we actually invite someone on that journey with us? Believe it or not, the story of Jesus shows that when we bear some burdens and break some rules, it's easier than we might think. Join us!  Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/

How Do I Lead | Aaron Sturgis | Central Lutheran Church

October 22, 2023

People who “go to church” say things like… “Are we going to church?” as if church is a building. “You’ve got to join our church!” as if church is a club. “We’re going to be late for church!” as if church is an event. If Central is your church home, you know that church is so much more than this! We are the church when we serve record numbers of kids and students this year. We are the church when we fill bags of food to combat food insecurity in our community. We are the church when we build kids beds in our parking lot so that no child will sleep on the floor in the Chippewa County. The church is so much more than a building, a club or an event. So, over the next two weeks we’re launching a brand new worship series called, “Stop Going to Church” We’re going to pause, and ask… How will I be the church?  Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/