
Night of Prayer | Aaron Sturgis | Central Lutheran Church

February 4, 2024

God means for the church to be a place of transformation as people encounter His love and form a relationship with Jesus. One crucial piece of transformation occurs in our relationship with God when we become honest with Him in prayer.

"I sometimes get frustrated by the state of the world; I look at all the brokenness around me, the constant news cycle of gloom and despair. Verses 7-9 of Isaiah 33 are a reality to many people in many places. At times, I feel despair, which in and of itself is not wrong, and I lament about the state of the world. 'Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting God's sovereignty. Lament is how we bring sorrow to God. Without lament, we won't know how to process pain. My lament fuels my prayers; it fuels my cry of 'Lord, please arise, please be lifted up, please be exalted in our time.'''

Book- Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop