
The Lord's Prayer Week 1 | Aaron Sturgis | Central Lutheran Church

September 10, 2023

Whether you consider yourself a Christ-follower or not, you've probably considered prayer at one time or another. If you've ever considered HOW to pray, you'll be pleased to know you're in good company. Even those closest to Jesus had the same question. The Lord's Prayer begins 'Our Father' - but how can the creator of the universe, the all knowing, omnipotent, omnipresent Supreme Being care for each and every one of us? Pastor Aaron helps us explore this, the most famous of prayers, and learn how even the first line holds deep truth for us all today.





How Do I Live A More Selfless Life? | Aaron Sturgis

October 15, 2023

How do we choose a life that's less about ourselves and more about others? How do we choose God's way over our own preference? Are you waiting until you've got your life sorted to take a step in the right direction? Do you live with fear and anxiety over protecting what's yours? You're not alone! Pastor Aaron finishes up our series unpacking the most famous prayer; specifically the relevance of 'For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory, forever'. Lean in and find deep truth as we unpack The Lords Prayer. Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/

Why Am I Tempted To Do The WRONG Thing? | Aaron Sturgis

October 8, 2023

Do you ever make a decision, even though you know it's not the right thing to do? Do you have regrets or moments you wish you could take back? What's that one thing that you swear you won't go back to, but find yourself being tempted by over and over?You're not alone! Every single person suffered with these same questions. In this message, Pastor Aaron Sturgis continues our series unpacking the most famous prayer; specifically the relevance of 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one'. Lean in and find deep truth as we unpack; The Lords Prayer. Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church Reflect on the message through song: http://www.centrallutheran.church/worship

The Lord's Prayer Week 4 | Aaron Sturgis | Central Lutheran Church

October 1, 2023

Ever feel like someone let you down or did you wrong? Have you ever caused someone else pain, intentionally or unintentionally? Does your future feel tarnished by what happened in your past or present? Pastor Aaron continues this series unpacking the most famous prayer; specifically the relevance of “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those that sin against us” Lean in and find deep truth as we unpack; The Lords Prayer. Socials: http://www.facebook.com/clcecolumbia http://www.instagram.com/centrallutheran http://www.centrallutheran.church/