
Home Fellowships

Week of 5/22/2017

May 22, 2017 • Pastor Luke Dailey

Discussion Guide for week of May 22nd, 7pm Q: What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten? READ FIRST: I Corinthians 10:14-22 Q: What are one or two “idols” you see worshiped today? Q: In supporting his call to avoid meals in pagan temples, Paul appeals to the Lord’s Supper. How would you explain to a friend that eating the bread and drinking the cup is a “participation” in Christ’s body and blood? Q: Why is eating at a feast where idol-meat is served different than going to a market and buying the same meat? Q: What does Paul’s emphasize in this teaching on the Lord’s Supper? Look at the words “participation,” (v.16) the phrase “we, who are many, are one body” (v.17). Also, discuss the differences between “the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons” (v.21). Q: How is the Lord’s Supper a pure act of worship? How can we separate it from any idolatry in our lives? TAKE THE LORD’S SUPPER TOGETHER READ TOGETHER: I Corinthians 11:23-29 (Allow a few moments for self-evaluation)

Week of 5/15/2017

May 8, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Discussion Guide for week of May 15th, 7pm Q: As a child, what can you remember fighting about on family trips? READ FIRST: Matthew 6:10 & I Peter 3:8-12 Q: How should we live if we want to “love life” and “see good days?” (v. 10) Q: Which of the five character qualities in verse 8 is most natural for you? Which is the most challenging? Q: If we refuse to repay “reviling for reviling,” but instead speak only good words about people, what can we expect as our repayment from God? (v. 9) Q: What are some examples of keeping “our tongues from evil?” How difficult is this for you? Q: The “righteous” do the right things for the right reasons. What does Peter mean when he says “the eyes of the Lord” are upon the righteous? Q: What are the prerequisites in our passage to having God’s ears open to our prayers?

Week of 5/08/2017

May 8, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Discussion Guide for week of May 8th, 7pm Q: What has been the most difficult fight of your life? Was the battle physical, emotional or spiritual? Which weapons proved to be most effective? Q: Does the spiritual battle in the Heavenly Realms seem more or less real to you than everyday life? More or less important? READ FIRST: II Corinthians 10:3-5 Q: What is the difference between the weapons of the flesh and the “weapons of our warfare?” Give some examples. Q: Compare the power of fleshly weapons to the divine power of our spiritual weapons. Q: Define a “stronghold.” How does a stronghold work to destroy believers? What strongholds do you observe to be most often employed by Demonic forces to deceive believers today? Q: Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Who are the real enemies in our lives? According the these passages, how serious is the battle we fight? What is at stake? Q: Who are you doing battle for right now? If you need to, enlist the assistance of the other prayer-warriors in your Home Fellowship!

Week of 5/01/2017

May 1, 2017 • Pastor Luke Dailey

Discussion Guide for week of May 1st, 7pm Q: Did you grow up in an openly “religious” home? Or was religion a private matter? Q: Were you taught any prayers as a child? What was one of the earliest you recall? READ FIRST: Matthew 6:1-15 Q: Where do you go when you need to pray? What do you find yourself praying for most often? Q: Using the prayer (known as the Lord’s Prayer) as a model, what three things related to God are expressed first (vv. 9-10) What three things related to our needs are expressed next (vv. 11-13)? Q: What do verses 12, 14, and 15 say to you about the relationship between forgiving and being forgiven? Q: When praying, what do you find to be your biggest challenge? Q: In getting serious about your spiritual life, what is something you need to start doing? Pray together for a revival of holiness and purity in the church!

Week of 4/24/2017

April 24, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Discussion Guide for week of April 24th, 7pm Q: When you were 10 years old, what was your favorite hiding place? Q: Can you recall a time when someone did something wrong, but you were punished for it instead? How did you feel? READ FIRST: Joshua 7 Q: Having read this story out loud, now close your Bibles and try to retell the story together! Try to highlight the most important details. Q: When Israel attacked Ai, what did they expect would happen? What instead was the actual outcome? Give your impression - how seriously does God take sin? Q: How would you describe Joshua’s reaction to their stunning defeat at Ai? Cowardly? Angry? Whining? Surprised? Or what? What elements of each do you see in your group reaction (had you been there)? Q: What kind of things can happen in our lives when we sin and try to hide it? As with the Israelites, has the Lord ever had to “get tough” with you to get you back on track? When? Pray together for a revival of holiness and purity in the church!

Week of 3/20/2017

March 20, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Discussion Guide, week of March 20th, 7pm Q: Have you ever co-signed for a friend or family member’s loan? Did it end well? Q: Have you ever been asked to provide a work reference for someone whose work or character quality were lacking? What did you do or say? READ FIRST: Hebrews 7:20-28 Q: In what ways is Jesus a better priest than those under the Jewish system? Q: Jesus is referred to as the “surety” (KJV) in verse 22. What do you know about “sureties” and how does Jesus provide this? Q: What does it mean to you to know that Jesus saves “completely?” (v. 25) Q: In verse 26, Jesus is described by five adjectives. Discuss each one and it’s meaning to your life and salvation. Group Prayer As this passage is a glorious call to grateful hearts, praise the Lord in prayer for one aspect of this passage. Discussion Guide, week of March 20th, 7pm

Week of 3/13/2017

March 13, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Discussion Guide, week of March 13th Q: Who is the “most perfect” person you've ever known? What made them so special? Q: What’s the longest you've ever owned a car? How many miles did you rack up? What happened to it? READ FIRST: Hebrews 7:11-19 & II Cor. 4:7-10 Q: In what ways is Jesus like the Melchizedek portrayed here (vv. 12-17)? Q: Why was the law set aside (vv. 18-19)? In what sense had it failed? How does the argument in verse 18 parallel that in verse 11? Q: What are the two elements of the Jewish religious system that have been superseded? Q: How are you encouraged by the revelation that Jesus’ role as our High Priest is “indestructible?” Q: Since my salvation is secure in Jesus, how can I now “draw near” to Him? Group Prayer Pray that Centerpoint Church would “draw near” to Jesus. Pray for a revival of love for Him among those who attend.

Week of 3/06/2017

March 6, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of March 6th, 7pm Q: As a child, who was your favorite super-hero? What could he/she do that you wished you could? Fly? Super-strength? Always win? Q: If you could live to be 100, but could retain either the body or the mind of a 30 year old, which would you choose? Why? READ: Hebrews 7:1-10 Q: Chapter 7 picks up where 5:10 left off. From verses 1-10, what do we know about Melchizedek (also see Gen. 14:17-20). How did Abraham regard him? Q: What is the main point in the comparison between Melchizedek and Abraham? How does Abraham’s tithe and the blessing of Melchizedek demonstrate the greatness of Melchizedek? How is his priesthood superior to that which descended from Levi and Aaron (v. 11)? Why is another type of priesthood needed? Q: Why was Abraham’s tithe to Melchizedek so important? What does the author mean when he says “the lesser person is blessed by the greater?” Pray together Ask the Lord to allow the people of Centerpoint to understand more each day about the kindness and love of Christ. And for the ever-increasing love of Christ in the body serve as a testimony to the lost.

Week of 2/27/2017

February 27, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of Feb. 27th, 7pm Q: What tries your patience more; Slow elevators? Slow food service? Traffic jams? Christmas sale lines? Q: Do you believe a man’s word should be his bond? Would you stick to your spoken commitments even if their is no legally-binding written contract? READ: Hebrews 6:13-20 Q: How does Abraham’s example help these people understand God’s promise? What were some notable characteristics of Abraham’s faith (Vs. 6:15; 11:8-12)? Q: What effect did God’s promise and oath have on Abraham’s descendants? How does this affect Christians now? Q: Sometimes people come and go. How does it affect you to know that God “will never change His mind about you?” (Vs. 17, NLT) Q: Where in your life does trusting in God come hardest? Easiest? Why? Q: What promises of God serve as your “anchor” in life? Prayer Time Spend a moment praising God for the promise of His eternal grace and love, not based on our human efforts at perfection, but based on the blood of HIs only begotten Son.

Week of 2/06/2017

February 6, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Hello Home Fellowship leaders and hosts, There’s just no getting around it - this week’s passage is a tough one. I tried to be a little more directive in the Discussion Guide and hope that helps a little. The content of my sermon this Sunday will be very important background for your discussion. If you can’t make it Sunday, make sure to listen to it online. A little extra reading will be helpful preparation. A good study bible such as the ESV Study Bible or the MacArthur Study Bible will be helpful in your preparation. Praying for all of you! Pastor Steve

Week of 1/23/2017

January 23, 2017 • Pastor Luke Dailey

Home Fellowship, Week of Jan. 23rd, 7pm Q: What do you like hot out of the oven with a glass of cold milk: Chocolate chip cookies? Pound cake? Homemade bread? Apple pie? Q: Is there an area where you consider yourself to be a “slow learner?” READ: Hebrews 5:11-14 Q: Why does the author hesitate to give his readers further details? (V. 11) Q: How does solid food help one mature in Christ? (v. 14) It is God’s intention that every believer grow to be a teacher of the word in their own realm. How is your growth toward being a “teacher” progressing? Q: In your opinion, what are the “elementary truths of God’s word?” How are they best taught to new believers? Is there an area of biblical knowledge in which you would like to grow? Q: How can we train our hearts to “distinguish good from evil.” Have you ever found yourself in a place or situation and discerned something was wrong without being able to put your finger on the issue? GROUP TIME: Ask the Lord to use your Home Fellowship as you strive to disciple one another toward maturity in the word.

Week of 1/16/2017

January 16, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of Jan. 16th, 7pm Q: What do you know of your genealogy? Share a high point or two. Q: In your opinion, what is the most valuable spiritual service you have rendered lately? A one time event? Or an ongoing ministry assignment? READ: Hebrews 5:5-10 & Genesis 14:17-20 Q: According to Hebrews 7, Jesus and Melchizedek are both superior to the Aaronic priesthood (line of Aaron). Why do you think the Bible says they are superior to Aaron’s line? (Hebrews 7:1-6) Q: Abraham offers a voluntary, free-will tithe to the High Priest, Melchizedek. Since Abraham lived before the Mosaic law which directed faithful Israelites to tithe, what do you think was the motivation for this gift? (Hebrews 7:4-7; Gen. 14:17-20) Q: Jesus tells the Pharisees that they are doing the right thing by tithing. What, however, is wrong with their worship perspective? (Luke 11:42) Q: The New Testament examples of giving emphasize sacrifice and extravagance. What do you think is the main point concerning generosity that Jesus makes in the story of the widow’s mite? (Luke 21:1-4) GROUP TIME: Pray the resources of Heaven to supply our God-directed ministry on earth. Home Fellowship, Week of Jan. 16th, 7pm

Week of 1/09/2017

January 9, 2017 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of Jan. 9th, 7pm Q: Have you ever been appointed or hired for an important job? Why were you chosen? How did this feel? Q: How do you deal with people who wander from the faith or “go astray?” Do you tend to be patient and grace-filled? Or do you tend to be hard on those who falter? READ: Hebrews 5:1-10 Q: How does the role of Jewish High Priest compare to Jesus’ role in terms of: (a) How each is chosen? (5:1) (b) How each relates to sinners? (5:2) (c) How each relates to God? (5:3) Q: What two qualities of Jesus allows the comparison to Melchizedek? (5:6, 10; Gen. 14:18; Psalm 110:4) Q: What is the significance for our eternal salvation and current situation that Jesus was fully human? That Jesus was without sin? Q: Why is it hard for many people to trust the love of God? How would you explain the meaning of the priesthood of Jesus to a non-Christian? To someone who doesn't understand the OT sacrificial system? GROUP TIME: Pray for the New Year of ministry at Centerpoint, especially discipleship.

Week of 12/12/2016

December 12, 2016 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of Dec. 12th, 7pm Q: What is one way your home town is different now than when you grew up? Is it still home to you? Why or why not? Q: When does your Christmas tree go up? Who trims it? How? What other traditions do you observe from your childhood? READ: Luke 2:8-20 Q: Of all the people the angels could have visited, why do you suppose God sent them to shepherds? Q: What three titles are given to Jesus in verse 11? Q: What do you treasure most about Jesus? Q: God appeared to Zechariah, Mary and the shepherds when they were just being themselves. What does that imply about what it means to be “spiritual?” How has God spoken to you in the ordinary flow of life? Q: Like the Shepherds, once you’ve “seen” Jesus, you want to spread the word! How will you spread the word about Jesus this Christmas season? GROUP TIME: Pray for the gospel to spread through our city and churches this Christmas.

Week of 11/28/2016

November 28, 2016 • Pastor Steve Pope

Home Fellowship, Week of Nov. 28th, 7pm Q: When you “blew it” as a child, how did you feel about the mistakes? About yourself? About others involved? Q: From whom did you draw comfort: A parent? Sibling? Friend? Your dog? READ FIRST: Hebrews 3:14-16 Q: What about Jesus’ priesthood is most encouraging? (see 2:17 and 3:1) Q: How does the role of the Jewish high priest compare to Jesus’ role terms of: (a) How each is chosen? (5:1) How each relates to sinners? (5:2) How each relates to God? (5:3) Q: In our passage, our high priest’s name emphasizes both His humanity (Jesus), and His divinity (Son of God). What does our passage reveal about Jesus in His humanity and then HIs divinity. Q: Jesus was tempted in all ways in which were are tempted. What does this mean to you personally? Yet He was “without sin. What does this mean to you personally? Q: Since Jesus is our great high priest, what will it mean to “hold fast to our confession?” GROUP: Come boldly before the throne of grace for one another!