
1 Timothy

Fight the Good Fight

Investing in the Fight

July 31, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 6:17–21

As we conclude our study of 1 Timothy, we have learned a lot about Fighting the Good Fight, but how do we invest ourselves in the fight? We do this by Increasing, Sharing, and Resting. This message will unpack how we accomplish that and more as we begin Investing in the Fight.

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith

July 24, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 6:11–16

Is following Christ really a fight? Who is the opponent? And if we are in a fight, what is the Aim of this fight? What should we be aware of as the fight continues? And why shouldn’t we underestimate our opponent? These are some very real questions to an even more real battle that we as followers of Christ are in. In this message from Pastor Troy, you will learn what “Fighting the Good Fight of Faith” looks like.

How to Experience True Wealth

July 17, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 6:1–10

Wealth, what make one wealthy? Respondents to Schwab's 2021 Modern Wealth Survey said a net worth of $1.9 million qualifies a person as wealthy. The average net worth of U.S. households, however, is less than half of that. But what if I told you that is not wealth at all. What if there was wealth that far surpasses what the world says is wealthy. And what if I told you, it is within you grasp. This message will show you “How to Experience True Wealth” how to attain it and be content.

How to Treat Others in the Church

July 10, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 5

We know a lot about how the world treats us as Christians, and we know how we as Christians should treat the world, but what do you know about "How to Treat Others in the Church"? Well this message will give you those answers.

Don’t Worry About Your Qualifications

July 3, 2022 • 1 Timothy 4:12–16

Who among us is worthy or qualified to follow Christ? On own our own, with our own ability, apart from Christ, none of us. But through Him we can do anything. So should be not doing anything and just let the Lord do all the work, or is there things we can and be aware of so we don’t disqualify ourselves from being used by the Lord? In this weeks message we will learn how to focus on our walk, be faithful in our work, and be mindful that people are watching us as we conduct ourselves on a daily basis and that is a portion of our witness

The Importance of Being a Light

June 26, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 4:1–11

When we share our faith with others it is always important to remember some key things: 1) You’re always speaking to those who are hurting 2) Always point to Jesus 3) Don’t criticize, just instruct Often times we tend to share our own perspective, our own ideas, what we have learned, or how we would tackle a particular issue or concern at hand. Those things are ok only in the context of what the Lord says to do or say, but not in themselves as the lead for instruction. In this study let's find out just what the Bible says about "The Importance of Being a Light".

The Mystery of Godliness

June 12, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 3:14–16

Being Godly, what makes someone Godly? Maybe it’s the place they go to church, or how they dress. could it be their speech? We could come up with many more questions, but what’s the answer? In this message titled “The Mystery of Godliness” we’ll find out what God, through the Bible says it is. Bring your questions, and I’m sure you’ll find the answers.

Compelled by a Calling

June 5, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 3:1–13

Leaders leads. Whether in the world or in the Church, Christ provided us a clear picture of leadership, and who among us is greater than Christ? John 13:14-17 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. Jesus Commissioned Us to Serve, how did he do this? Jesus served the Disciples by washing their feet. You see in God’s economy; the way UP is DOWN. This is an expression of love/leadership, which is in stark contrast with how the World operates. We all have gifts: we may know or not know what they are. As we serve God reveals them to us. Ultimately ask yourself, what really matters—what do I really value. Where do I want to be? With whom would I wish to spend eternity? When we think about how small we are and how great God is, we should respond, “A day in Your courts is better than a thousand A moment with Him is better than an eternity without Him, and because of His grace and mercy, we that call Him Father don’t have to choose. Item License Code: ACQ2DBVZK UCKJWNG4P9 GDHPX7352M QT74R3EXML H24Z5YJBEL AU43R6WPE5 BFHJUM934T J4EGS85ZU7 WFK4THVB5J 47Y56SF8QB YQZJD5VP9A ACQ2DBVZKJ

Instruction for Public Worship

May 22, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 2:8–15

We have all seen them, those who are louder, more flamboyant than anyone around them. More into worship that humanly possible. But what does the Bible say about worship? How are we to conduct ourselves? How do you worship the Lord and not bring attention to ourselves or away from he Lord we are worshiping? This message from Pastor Troy titled, “Instruction for Public Worship” will address these questions and more.

The Priority of Prayer

May 1, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 2:1–8

Prayer, are you guilty of praying like you’re going to the great cosmic Santa Clause? Lord, I need this or that, or Lord do this or that, praying mostly when we are in need or in desperate time. I believe we are all guilty of that, praying our hearts desires. In the right time and with the right heart, there is nothing wrong with prayers like that. But if that isn’t the best way to pray, then what does the right way look like? This message from Pastor Troy titled “The Priority of Prayer” will walk you through how to have an effective prayer life.

Fight to Stay the Course

April 24, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 1:12–20

Purpose, curious word, used in many ways; What is the purpose of life? what is my purpose...... even books have been penned, Purpose Driven this and that. But what is the answer? If you look at the definition of the word purpose, and turn it into a Biblical question not a definition, what do we get? "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." What is it God created You for? What is the reason God brought You existence. Find out the answer to these questions and more in this message titled " Fight to Stay the Course".

What You Need for the Fight, Part 2 of 2

March 27, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 1:1–11

Paul was called, Timothy was called, You have been called too! If you have been called, then you need to know the right doctrine and have the right motivation. This message will explain how all this played out in their lives and how it applies to yours. (Part 2 of 2)

What You Need for the Fight, Part 1 of 2

March 20, 2022 • Troy Neeley • 1 Timothy 1:1–11

Paul was called, Timothy was called, You have been called too! If you have been called, then you need to know the right doctrine and have the right motivation. This message will explain how all this played out in their lives and how it applies to yours.