Women's Ministry
Women's Spring Dessert Night
April 19, 2024 • Karen Pulley • Psalm 46:10
All women are invited to a special night of fellowship and encouragement as we consider the psalmist’s words, "Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10) Through a time of worship, the sharing of testimonies, and a practical message shared by Karen Pulley, we are certain you will be refreshed and strengthened as you consider the greatness of our God.
Blessed Because She Believed
December 2, 2022 • Irma Presley • Luke 1:45
Tis the season for thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings that fill our hearts with faith and hope! Are you in a crisis of faith? Are you in need of a blessing? We welcome women of all ages to join us for our Christmas Dessert Nightcfor a timeless message of Mary's faith - “Blessed Because She Believed" (Luke 1:45). Our guest speaker, Irma Presley of Calvary Chapel South Jersey, has been a pastor’s wife for over 35 years. She raised six children and now enjoys spending time with her 16 grandchildren. Her work outside her home includes working as a Police Chaplain and lay-counselor, and teaching women near and far about the healing love of Jesus. We look forward to a blessed night of worship, fellowship and a word of encouragement as we gather together to glean from Mary's example of trusting God with our circumstances though we don't have all the answers!
Sparkling Joy: A Spiritual Spring Cleaning!
March 25, 2022 • Karen Pulley
Join the Women’s Ministry for practical tips on how to clean out the messiest of spaces, presented by Barbara Merkin of Mess Managers, as we look at the spiritual need of decluttering our hearts through a brief message by Karen Pulley, testimony, and skit.