
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Mark Ashton

June 18, 2023

This morning Minister Mark launches the new Job series that we will be in for the next several weeks. With this series we ask the question of “Why do we suffer?”

More from Job

Can You Recover From Grief?

August 6, 2023

This week Minister Mark reflects on the book of Job and how it teaches lessons about God, suffering, and restoration. Job goes through immense suffering, debates with his friends, and encounters God, leading to his repentance and restoration. The story emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, trusting in God, and finding hope even in the midst of suffering.

Knowing God Better

July 30, 2023

The text explores the dialogue between God and Job, where God emphasizes his sovereignty and power over creation and chaos. Job is humbled and gains a new perspective on his suffering, realizing God's wisdom and control. The passage ends with the reminder that Jesus has overcome the world, offering peace during trouble.

Understanding the Sovereignty of God

July 23, 2023

This week, we hear from Jed Logue in the next week of our Job series. Jed starts by reminiscing about the significance of The Wizard of Oz in his childhood, drawing parallels between Dorothy’s desire to meet the wizard and Job's longing to meet God to resolve his suffering. God finally responds to Job out of a storm, challenging him with a series of questions to reveal the incomprehensible nature of his creation, leading Job to surrender and acknowledge God's sovereignty. The message emphasizes trusting God in the face of suffering and recognizing his greatness.