
PSALMS: Why Aren't We Happy?

The Lifestyle Makes the Difference

April 17, 2016 • Dr. John Waterloo

Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday AM Worship, 17APR16
SERMON BY: Dr. John Waterloo
SERMON TITLE: Why Aren’t We Happy?
SERMON THEME: The Lifestyle Makes the Difference
SERMON SERIES: Psalms - God’s Prayer Book
SERMON TEXT: Mat 6:9-13

• Only when we are separated unto God can we be generally happy and content.
• Right counsel comes only from God.
• Be careful who you hang out with! Disease is contagious; health isn't!
• Plant yourself by a river of life, that spiritual oasis called The Word of God.
•The godly can have peace that passeth all understanding.
• The ungodly will perish.

PRAYER: Persecuted for Doing Right

December 18, 2016 • Dr. John Waterloo

Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK DATE: Sunday PM Worship, 18DEC16 SERMON BY: Bro. John Waterloo SERMON TITLE: Persecuted for Doing Right SERMON THEME: Becoming a Daniel SERMON SERIES: Pray Without Ceasing SERMON TEXT: Daniel 6:15-28; Prov 27:4; Eccl 4:4

PRAYER: Could You Be Convicted of Being a Christian?

December 18, 2016 • Dr. John Waterloo

Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK DATE: Sunday AM Worship, 18DEC16 SERMON BY: Bro. John Waterloo SERMON TITLE: Could You Be Convicted of Being a Christian? SERMON THEME: Daniel’s Excellent Spirit, His Blamelessness, His Faithfulness SERMON SERIES: Pray Without Ceasing SERMON TEXT: Daniel 6:1-14

PRAYER: Impossible Situations

December 4, 2016 • Dr. John Waterloo

Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK DATE: Sunday AM Worship, 04DEC16 SERMON BY: Dr. John Waterloo SERMON TITLE: Impossible Situations SERMON THEME: Nothing Is Impossible With God SERMON SERIES: Pray Without Ceasing SERMON TEXT: Matthew 19:26; Daniel 2:1-28