
Acts 20:1-16

A Plan to Live on Mission - Vision Sunday 2015

January 4, 2015

You will be most satisfied and God will be most glorified as you grow as a disciple of Christ. Furthermore those you influence will be blessed. But, without planning to grow and live on mission you are unlikely to, and will likely drift from Christ, suffer, and hurt others too. At Calvary Nexus we encourage you to plan to grow this year and invite you to live on mission as part of our community. We want to help you do that, and here we share that vision with you ~

More from Acts

Acts 26:19-32

March 22, 2015 • Bruce Zachary

As followers of Christ we have been called to reach our communities for with the gospel. Discover how you can we live life with that purpose.

Acts 26:12-18

March 15, 2015

How did you come to believe that Jesus is truly alive (resurrected)? How did the Holy Spirit lead you to Jesus? How have you been transformed since you received Christ? How has your purpose in life changed since you were saved?

Acts 26:1-11

March 8, 2015 • Bruce Zachary

Every follower of Christ has discovered the reality of God, the restoration of God, & the righteousness of God. Would you like to discover how to help others to know they cannot be made right with God by their efforts, and thus need a Savior?