
Part 1: Exclusivity

November 13, 2022 • Joel Thomas

Why is our bar so low? This week we’ll take a look at how our culture arrived at its understanding of intimacy. We’ll look at the shortcomings of this view and see how similar it is to that of people who lived in the days of the apostle Paul. Then we’ll see what Paul has to say about the topic—and why he says it. It’s never too late (or too soon) to raise the bar and strive for real intimacy.

Part 3: Generosity

November 27, 2022 • Joel Thomas

At times we can experience gaps in our relationships. These gaps get in the way of our closeness. How do we fill the gaps? Will we choose to believe the best or the worst? Will we choose to trust or be suspicious? What informs these choices?

Part 2: Vulnerability

November 20, 2022 • Joel Thomas

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were said to be “naked and unashamed.” They were fully known by one another and fully accepted by one another. Achieving this level of intimacy doesn’t happen by accident. If we want to be known and accepted in our marriages, dating relationships, and friendships, it’s going to take vulnerability.