

September 24, 2017 • Pastor Ryan Bash

We continue our series "Go", but we look at issues we can encounter while serving. We experience failure, which is often the result of our preparation. Serving starts at Home. If we aren't serving our children and spouses as God intended then we aren't really serving at all. Our Home is the training ground for serving in our communities.

More from Go


October 8, 2017 • Pastor Ryan Bash

As we wrap up the series "Go" we look at the very heart of "going", missions; which, also turns out to be the heart of God. Missions is the call of the entire church. Some object to missions, saying we should stay local. What is God's response? Are you answering His call for you?


October 1, 2017 • Pastor Ryan Bash

In the fourth message in the series "Go" we look at serving Near our homes in the community. Sometimes serving doesn't go like we had planned in our head. We get discouraged and retreat. We look in the book of John to realize we must humble ourselves and realize that no act is to low for you. So what's stopping you from serving?


September 17, 2017 • Pastor Ryan Bash

Last week we addressed our faith. If our faith doesn't move us to do something, then it's dead. This week we talk about responding to the instructions provided to us in the Bible. Responding to other's needs is personal. Look for the potential in broken people because responding to their needs is responding to Jesus.