

John 4:19-26

March 23, 2014 • Wes Terry

Lead pastor Wes Terry kicks off a new series called "Kingdom Church." Why does the church exist? What's our mission? How does this inform our vision? What will our church look like in the future. What does it mean to be a church that values worship? These are the questions answered in this message. Sermon preached March 23, 2014.


April 13, 2014 • Wes Terry

Senior Pastor Wes Terry preaches on Movement out of Acts 2:42-47. This is the fourth part in a four part series called Kingdom Church. In this series we think deeply about who we are and why we exist as a church. We want to position ourself upward in worship, inward in discipleship, and outward in mission. We want movement in all three of these areas. Sermon preached April 13, 2014.


April 6, 2014 • Wes Terry

Senior Pastor Wes Terry preaches on Mission out of John 17:13-21. This is part of the series Kingdom Church in which we have thought deeply about who we are as a church and why we exist. What is mission? How does it shape our identity? Sermon preached on April 6th, 2014.


March 30, 2014 • Wes Terry

Lead Pastor Wes Terry preaches on Discipleship out of John 8:31-36. This is part of the series Kingdom Church. Sermon preached March 30th, 2014.