
Prayer Class

Class 3 - The Apostolic Prayer Dimension

August 22, 2019

Prayer Challenge: -Wives: Choose 3 women, not family members, to pray for. Call and pray with one woman per day. Use at least 3 of the scriptures from Monday’s homework to pray over the women. -Singles: Rise at 5 a.m. and pray for yourself for at least 30 minutes. Then call someone else, it can be a family member, and pray for them. Let the Holy Spirit show you who to call. -Husbands: Sow 3 consecutive days of prayer into your wives. Please pray with them. *Special Next Level Challenge - Wives, privately pray 30 consecutive days over your husbands. Prayer is work! Be strategic and seek the Holy Spirit for what to pray over them.

Class 2 - Praying in the Spirit - Praying Through the Spirit

August 19, 2019

Homework For those with a prayer language - Pray over the next 3 days, starting tonight, at least 15 minutes per day in your prayer language. For those who do not have a prayer language - Pray the next 3 days, starting tonight, in the Spirit for our president.

Class 1 - Next Level Prayer

August 15, 2019

Please be sure to complete your prayer challenge by Monday, August 19th.

2018 Class 3 - Prophetic and Warfare Intercession

August 27, 2018

Homework: Read the following scriptures: Exodus 32:31-32 Psalms 106:23 Genesis 18:16-32 1 Samuel 25:18-31 Acts 12:5-17 Esther 4:13-17 As you read each of these scriptures, talk to the Lord about the one that made an impression upon your heart. This class is not complete until you read one of the books below: Prayer Books by E.M. Bounds Power through Prayer The Essentials of Prayer The Necessity of Prayer You have the entire month of September to complete the [book] reading.

2018 Class 2 - Intercessory Prayer

August 20, 2018

Assignment: Choose 3 days and times for prayer; keep the appointment. (e.g., M, W, F @ 5 a.m.) Choose 3 people (e.g., co-workers, family members, friends, enemies, etc.). Pray at least 30 min. per day for ONE of those people. (Each person gets a day for 30 minutes.) *Plan your approach, build your argument [with the Word], and ask God for the solution.

2018 Class 1 - Personal Prayer

August 13, 2018

Assignment: Choose 3 days and times for prayer; keep the appointment. (e.g., M, W, F @ 5 a.m.) Choose 3 personal needs or desires. Pray at least 30 min. per day for ONE need or desire. (Each need/desire gets a day for 30 minutes.) *Plan your approach, build your argument [with the Word], and ask God for the solution.