
Media Madness (5/25/17)

May 25, 2017

* The media spews out propaganda just like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. * Propaganda is when the media takes facts and uses them to arrive at their own truth, even if it’s not the real truth. * It’s a fact you can sell a kid for $25. But the truth is that the kid is a young goat. * The media could spin that to say a man is selling his kids, which is a fact, and everyone goes nuts because they don’t have a clue that the truth is the kids are his goats. * Propaganda is truth to those who don’t know the truth. * The media doesn’t want the truth - they want their own idea of truth so they use facts to create narratives to get what they want. * What they want is a liberal agenda where truth is relative and everyone can do whatever seems right in their own eyes.