
Proverbs 5:12-23 (8/9/17)

The Secret to Sexual Satisfaction

August 10, 2017

* Proverbs 5 talks about the pitfalls of immorality. * Then in the middle it talks about experiencing sexual satisfaction with your spouse. * vs 18-19 - You will be satisfied by your spouse if you just “let it” happen. * But how? * Solomon bookends this instruction with two keys - the twin pillars of sexual satisfaction: * 1) Discipline (vs 12) - doing what you don’t want to accomplish what you do want. * A disciplined person endures temporary pain for permanent gain. * Solomon’s picture of discipline - Proverbs 6:6, the ant! * It’s always working and consistently diligent. * 2) Self Control (vs 23) - walking in authority over your life. * A self-controlled person is not led by his emotions or his flesh. * He doesn’t allow his environment to change his behavior. * He’s a person of character - doing what’s right as God defines right regardless of the cost. * KEY - If a man is disciplined in his thought life and self-controlled in his actions he will experience joy in sex with his wife. * You have the negative and positive aspects of discipline and self-control: * Negative - You cannot think lustful thoughts or speak hurtful words or do hurtful deeds. * Positive - You need to think good thoughts and speak kind words and do kind deeds. * Sex then becomes about what you can GIVE and not what you can GET. * This, my friend, will bring sex to a whole “nutha” level!