
Revelation 2:5 (12/13/18)

Remove the Lampstand

December 13, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The Ephesians’ relationship with God had turned into religion.
* It was routine with no passion.
* Jesus gave them the remedy - Remember, Repent, Redo.
* If they didn’t then they would cease to be a lampstand.
* The lampstand in the tabernacle was necessary for the priest to do his work in the dark of the Holy of Holies.
* For the Ephesians, this meant their light would go out - there would be no more life in their church.
* Apply this to marriage - the light in your relationship will go out if you have lost your first love and refuse to repent.

Revelation - the players (12/27/18)

December 27, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The players: * The Being on the throne is God. * The Lamb is Jesus. * The dragon is Satan. * The beast is the Antichrist. * The woman is Israel. * The baby is Jesus. * The “rest of her offspring” are God’s people. * The bride is the church - Christians who place their faith in Jesus when they hear the gospel. * The guests of the bride are believers before Christ came and the gospel existed. * Babylon is the world system of the Beast. It’s the political and economic system. * The “Harlot” is the corrupt religious system of the Beast that stands in direct contrast to the Bride. * The Beast can’t be successful in the first two systems without the third to approve of it. * There is a Babylon and a Harlot in every generation - it’s used by Satan to lead people astray. * ** a nation needs several systems to exist, mainly a political, economic, and religious.

Revelation & Red Letters (12/13/18)

December 13, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Jesus is still speaking. * We don’t often attribute His words to the book of Revelation. * What would He say? * He addresses 7 churches (the number in seven is “perfect” or “complete” - so this message would apply to all the church past, present, and future). * 1) The church of Ephesus - they were the LOVELESS church who had lost their first love. * 2) The church of Smyrna - they were the PERSECUTED church who were enduring hardship for Christ. * 3) The church of Pergamos - they were the COMPROMISING church who put up with those in their midst who believed the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans (sexual immorality and idolatry). * 4) The church of Thyatira - they were the CORRUPT church who tolerated the woman Jezebel (sexual immorality and domineering ambition). * 5) The church of Sardis - they were the DEAD church who looked alive but in reality they were dead. * 6) The church of Philadelphia - they were the FAITHFUL church who were doing good things in the midst of trial. * 7) The church of Laodicea - they were the LUKEWARM church who were riding the fence to avoid persecution.

Revelation 1:1 (12/8/16)

December 8, 2016 • Benham Brothers

* Jeremiah 29:11 - “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” * God spoke an encouragement through Jeremiah because the Israelites were about to go into captivity. * So like a good father He reminded them that this was going to be good for them and that His ultimate plan was for their blessing, not their cursing. * The book of Revelation does the same for us. * A good coach knows you can’t land a big recruit without letting him know your plan for him. * He will continue to remind him from time to time to encourage him to stick it out (redshirt). * When we read Revelation it’s God reminding us to stick it out because something ossum is coming.