
Romans 1:21 (11/24/16)


November 24, 2016 • Benham Brothers

* It’s Thanksgiving - a time to reflect on what we’re truly thankful for.
* Notice this verse - “For although they KNEW God…..they did not give THANKS to Him…..and their foolish hearts were DARKENED!
* They knew they had something to be thankful for but they refused to do it.
* The result - the lights shut off in their soul - they could no longer see.
* It also says “futile” - a thankless person becomes useless.
* Many theologians believe “ingratitude” was the primal sin. Why?
* Because ingratitude says “I don’t need you. I can do this on my own.”
* To say “Thank YOU” we have to address a person, which leads us to ultimately thank the creator of People.
* To be truly thankful we have to get to the source of our gratitude, and that’s always a person.
* So let’s be thankful today by recognizing the source of all things - God Almighty.

Romans 1:1 (3/12/20)

March 12, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* Your business card does not define who you are. * What’s on your business card? * Your name, contact and company info, and your title. * Your title shows the thing you do, but says nothing about who you are and why you do it. * Paul’s business card looked a little different. * He typically opened his letters with his credentials. * Vs 1 - He put three things on there: * 1) WHO I am (identity) - “Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus…” * He saw himself as a slave - the lowest of the low. * This put him in the position of servant-leader right out of the gate. * His one job was to do what the master wanted him to do - he was not his own. * 2) WHAT I do (calling) - “….called as an apostle…” * A slave was assigned a task to complete. * “Apostle” means “the person sent with full authority.” * An apostle was a catalyst, a creator, the person who set things up and established a firm foundation upon which something could be built. * An apostle downloaded God’s plan then entrusted faithful shepherds (pastors) to steward that plan. * Paul recognized his calling as a builder (he was prepped for it as a tent-maker). * He knew he was not to be the pastor. * 3) WHY I do it (mission) - “….set me apart with a mission to reveal God’s wonderful gospel.” * “Gospel” means “good news.” “News” means something happened you should know about. * God’s kingdom had come to earth and Jesus was King - that was the good news. * Paul’s WHY was so that the world would come to know Jesus! * Most people only talk about the second component - WHAT I do. * *** But if they don’t know the other two then it will lead to burnout. * Knowing these three things kept Paul from staying in one place and building a big church. * Here’s the KEY - all of us should have the same WHO and WHY as Paul, but what differentiates us is the WHAT. * So answer these questions: * WHO are you? * WHAT do you do? What’s your calling? * WHY do you do it?

Romans 1:1-7 (7/28/16)

July 28, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Two of the greatest revivals in history were sparked by the book of Romans - the Protestant Reformation and the Wesleyan Revival. • The book is all about “righteousness” - how we can be in “right relationship” with God. • Paul is setting the stage for his most famous letter that establishes the foundation of Christianity. • He starts with an intro of Jesus - observe that he said: • 1) He was promised beforehand (vs 2) - everyone was looking for the Messiah. • 2) He was God’s Son (vs 3A) - not just a man, but God’s very own Boy. • 3) He was a King (vs 3B) - descended from the line of David, which meant royalty. • 4) He had power (vs 4) - He defeated Satan, sin, and death. • 5) He appointed leaders to spread the message and teach others to obey (vs 5) - you can’t be righteous unless you obey His Word. • vs 7 - Paul wanted believers to experience grace and peace. • Little do the readers know what they are about to read! • He power-hand slaps his readers with a scathing rebuke (vs 18-32). Why? • Because God’s grace & peace can’t be experienced apart from brokenness over sin. • Sean Connery in First Knight - “there is a peace that can only be found on the other side of war.”

Romans 1:9 (7/25/18)

July 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Paul knew he was about to sharply rebuke the Romans. * Notice what he did before he brought the rebuke - he prayed for them. * We shouldn’t walk around mad at the world - we need to pray for them. * Then, if necessary, bring a proper rebuke. * When you pray for someone you gain the heart of the Lord for that person. * You begin to see them as God sees them. * Then, on that foundation of love, you will rebuke to restore. * That’s a proper rebuke.