
2 Timothy 3:16-4:2 (10/22/15)

The Bible

October 22, 2015 • Benham Brothers

• If a person wants to be complete and equipped, they need the BIBLE!
• It's used in five ways:
• 1) Teaching - the Bible shows you how to live a godly life.
• 2) Training - this is putting what you’ve learned in action.
• 3) Reproof - this means “exposing” sin.
• 4) Rebuke - this means “forbidding” sin - like when Jesus “rebuked” the wind.
• Reproof and Rebuke are necessary when rebellion occurs, which was happening in that city with false teachers.
• 2 Tim 4:2 reiterates, but adds:
• 5) Exhort - this means to “encourage,” which is to “make courageous.
• Titus 1:13 - Titus had a tougher crowd than Timothy, so Paul told him he needed to “rebuke sharply.”
• The goal of the rebuke was restoration

2 Timothy 1:1-18 (10/22/15)

October 22, 2015 • Benham Brothers

• Paul was set for execution and almost all his friends had deserted him. • So what did Paul do in his last days? He didn’t sulk - he didn’t play bridge and golf in Florida. • He poured into Timothy. • In this chapter he encourages Timothy with three essentials for success: • 1) Courageous enthusiasm (vs 1-7) - Christianity was not the for the faint of heart. • He was to fan into flame the gift that was in him (vs 6-7) - this means being where Satan would try to blow your light out. • 2) Shameless suffering (vs 8-12) - he needed to be ready to embrace suffering. • 3) Spiritual loyalty (vs 13-18) - he needed to maintain reverence to God’s Word and not concern himself with relevance to culture.

2 Timothy 1:4-5 (10/22/20)

October 22, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* The best job of all is raising up kids who love Jesus. * Nobody can do that job for your kids better than you. * Anyone can replace you at a meeting, but nobody can at the ballgame. * Paul was Timothy’s mentor, but the spark of Tim’s faith came from his mom and grandma. * Vs 4-5 - they didn’t have a book or blog or on the speaking circuit, but they were faithful to raise a young boy who would turn the world upside down for Christ. * A river touches places its source knows nothing of. * Tim’s mom was faithful when nobody was watching. * Much like the mom who packed the lunch for the kid who’s lunch Jesus used to feed the 5,000. * My mom did the same thing. * Anyone could’ve spoken at a conference or written a book I read, but only one person could’ve walked my lunch up to me at school - and she was faithful to do just that. * As a parent, what do you do? * Run at the pace of your people. * Whatever the pace is in your kids’ lives, wrap your life around that.

2 Timothy 1:7 (10/18/18)

October 18, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Darkness isn’t a thing. It’s simply the absence of light. * We have flash lights, not flash darks. * Fear is not a thing. It’s simply the absence of power, love, and a sound mind. * When we’re not living by the power of the Holy Spirit with a love for people and a sound mind bent on truth then fear will fill the void. * God made our spirits fully capable of power and love, but we have to walk in it by having a sound mind. * So what do we do to keep fear out? * We renew our minds in God’s truth, fueled by our love for Him and others, so that we can walk in power against the threats of the enemy. * Power, love, sound mind.