
Romans 1:19-28 (7/17/14)

Sin's Pattern

July 17, 2014 • Benham Brothers

1) vs 18 - They knew the law but refused to conform their lives to it - they wanted it to conform to them. Ungodliness breaks the first 5 commands / Unrighteousness breaks the second 5.
2) vs 19-20 - God makes Himself know inside each of us.
Creation points God out to us but the voice within us reveals God to us.
Animals do what they "want" but humans can do what we "ought" - this voice is a piece of God inside us.
3) vs 21-25 - They began to focus on the "things" of God instead of the God of things.
It started with them not Praising nor Thanking God, even though they knew all things came from Him.
4) vs 24-26 - God gave them over to degrading passions.
He let them follow the desire of their heart.
Unchecked passion leads to depravity.
5) vs 26-27 - Their sin grew from natural sin to unnatural sin.
Natural sin breaks one of God's moral laws, but unnatural sin breaks both a moral law and the law within our nature.
Personal & National sin - even though not everyone was sinning "unnaturally" the nation of Rome embraced this type of behavior - it was accepted as normal.
6) vs 28 - God gave them over to a depraved mind.
A depraved mind cannot distinguish between good and evil, light and dark, right and wrong, natural and unnatural.
God didn't turn them over to a depraved mind right away - He wanted them to repent. He started by turning them over to their passions and when passions go unchecked it leads to a depraved mind where you cannot make any distinctions any longer.

Romans 1:1 (3/12/20)

March 12, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* Your business card does not define who you are. * What’s on your business card? * Your name, contact and company info, and your title. * Your title shows the thing you do, but says nothing about who you are and why you do it. * Paul’s business card looked a little different. * He typically opened his letters with his credentials. * Vs 1 - He put three things on there: * 1) WHO I am (identity) - “Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus…” * He saw himself as a slave - the lowest of the low. * This put him in the position of servant-leader right out of the gate. * His one job was to do what the master wanted him to do - he was not his own. * 2) WHAT I do (calling) - “….called as an apostle…” * A slave was assigned a task to complete. * “Apostle” means “the person sent with full authority.” * An apostle was a catalyst, a creator, the person who set things up and established a firm foundation upon which something could be built. * An apostle downloaded God’s plan then entrusted faithful shepherds (pastors) to steward that plan. * Paul recognized his calling as a builder (he was prepped for it as a tent-maker). * He knew he was not to be the pastor. * 3) WHY I do it (mission) - “….set me apart with a mission to reveal God’s wonderful gospel.” * “Gospel” means “good news.” “News” means something happened you should know about. * God’s kingdom had come to earth and Jesus was King - that was the good news. * Paul’s WHY was so that the world would come to know Jesus! * Most people only talk about the second component - WHAT I do. * *** But if they don’t know the other two then it will lead to burnout. * Knowing these three things kept Paul from staying in one place and building a big church. * Here’s the KEY - all of us should have the same WHO and WHY as Paul, but what differentiates us is the WHAT. * So answer these questions: * WHO are you? * WHAT do you do? What’s your calling? * WHY do you do it?

Romans 1:1-7 (7/28/16)

July 28, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Two of the greatest revivals in history were sparked by the book of Romans - the Protestant Reformation and the Wesleyan Revival. • The book is all about “righteousness” - how we can be in “right relationship” with God. • Paul is setting the stage for his most famous letter that establishes the foundation of Christianity. • He starts with an intro of Jesus - observe that he said: • 1) He was promised beforehand (vs 2) - everyone was looking for the Messiah. • 2) He was God’s Son (vs 3A) - not just a man, but God’s very own Boy. • 3) He was a King (vs 3B) - descended from the line of David, which meant royalty. • 4) He had power (vs 4) - He defeated Satan, sin, and death. • 5) He appointed leaders to spread the message and teach others to obey (vs 5) - you can’t be righteous unless you obey His Word. • vs 7 - Paul wanted believers to experience grace and peace. • Little do the readers know what they are about to read! • He power-hand slaps his readers with a scathing rebuke (vs 18-32). Why? • Because God’s grace & peace can’t be experienced apart from brokenness over sin. • Sean Connery in First Knight - “there is a peace that can only be found on the other side of war.”

Romans 1:9 (7/25/18)

July 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Paul knew he was about to sharply rebuke the Romans. * Notice what he did before he brought the rebuke - he prayed for them. * We shouldn’t walk around mad at the world - we need to pray for them. * Then, if necessary, bring a proper rebuke. * When you pray for someone you gain the heart of the Lord for that person. * You begin to see them as God sees them. * Then, on that foundation of love, you will rebuke to restore. * That’s a proper rebuke.