
3 John 13-14 (12/7/17)


December 7, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* These verses and 2 John 12 are identical.
* Paul is giving us the key to good communication - face to face.
* The only way relationships grow is through communication.
* This is why Satan attacks it!!!!
* Face to face communication give us its most powerful elements:
* Tone and Expression!
* Kids today hate face-to-face communication - they hide behind their phones.
* Here are some dangers for communicating only through devices:
* 1) The removal of inhibition - kids say things thru phones they wouldn’t say in person.
* 2) The removal of true connection - non-verbal expression is the key to deep connection.
* 3) The increase of misunderstanding - much conflict would be resolved if we got back to speaking to people.