
2 Thessalonians 3:9 (10/13/16)

Rights vs Responsibilities

October 13, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Believers in Paul’s day were quitting their jobs and just waiting on God since Paul taught that Christ could come back at any time.
• They wanted to live off the generosity of the church.
• Paul told them they needed to be working while they waited.
• Paul gives a great principle here:
• There are times when we have the “right” to do something but we always have the “responsibility” to do the better thing.
• For him he had the right to live off support.
• But he forfeighted that right for his responsibility to teach them how to not be beholden unto anyone.
• Paul placed responsibility above rights.
• When your right collides with your responsibility then let your responsibility win.
• If we lose our “rights” we never lose our responsibility to do what’s right.
• The only way you’ll do this is to focus on others and not yourself.

2 Thessalonians 1:4-5 (10/10/19)

October 10, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* These verses tell us exactly why there’s suffering and persecution in the world. * They can be broken down into three parts: * 1) The problem of suffering - it exists because of sin. * “This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God.” * 2) The proof of suffering - it exists to prove you’re worth in the kingdom. * “that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God.” * Faithfulness in suffering proves fitfulness in the kingdom. * 3) The plan of suffering - it’s all a part of God’s plan. * “for which you are also suffering.” * When you stand for God’s kingdom persecution will head your way in the same way it came to Him when the devil tried to overthrow Him in heaven.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 (10/11/18)

October 11, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* People don’t fall away from God because they don’t know the truth. * They fall away because they don’t LOVE the truth (vs 10). * The love of the truth keeps us from being deceived. * ex: my daughter used my wife’s phone to send me a text. I knew it wasn’t her right away. How? Because I know my wife - I know her because I’m in love with her. * The love of the truth also sets people free from addiction. * ex: John Bevere overcame porn addiction when he read this verse. * Not looking at porn because it’s not right will only last so long. * Not looking at porn because you love God and you love your wife will keep you from it forever.

2 Thessalonians 2:13 (10/11/18)

October 11, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* All throughout Paul’s letters he talks about how thankful he is for the people he’s writing to. * This is such a powerful principle for relationships. * Imagine talking like this to your spouse and kids every day. * Gratitude closes the loop of love and brings relational connection. * When someone does something nice for you a circle has been started. * The circle is completed when you thank them for what they did. * Even better is thanking someone for who they are. * If you don’t express gratitude then the circle of love isn’t closed and disconnection is the result. * The person receives your lack of expressing gratitude as ingratitude which ultimately leads to a feeling of rejection. * Relationships are built on thankfulness.