
Philippians 4:4-9 (9/29/16)


September 29, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Paul is giving his final exhortations to the Philippian church.
• Rejoice - “find your joy” in whatever situation you are in.
• Anxiousness/Worry is a person problem - you’re focused on the problem not the Person (God).
• Overcome anxiousness by:
• 1) Talk to God about it.
• 2) Give your problem to Him.
• 3) Be thankful - thank Him for who He is and what He’s done.
• This is the secret to inner peace.
• When we do this we get two things:
• 1) The peace of God (vs 7) - this internal peace is a gift He gives us.
• 2) The God of peace (vs 9) - we not only get God’s gift, but also HIM!
• Moses wanted Him.
• But the battle takes place in our mind, so we have to be proactive in “thinking” good thoughts (vs 8).

Philippians 1:3-8 (9/27/18)

September 27, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Married couples should apply these verses to their relationship. * Imagine how your spouse would respond if you wrote a letter like what Paul wrote to the Philippians. * It starts off with him thinking fondly of them. Notice his thoughts: * 1) Thankful (vs 3) - gratitude breaks down emotional walls. * 2) Prayerful (vs 4a) - your spouse is your top priority in prayer. * 3) Joyful (vs 4b) - if you don’t feel joy you need to re-joy by giving of yourself to your spouse (like Hannah). * 4) Fellowship (vs 5) - “friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interest.” Be buddies and do things together. * 5) Confidence (vs 6) - trusting that God is doing something in your spouse and He can be trusted. Also granting trust to your spouse. * vs 7a - Paul recognizes it’s right to think these things of those he’s ministering to. * 6) Empathy (vs 7) - “we’re in this together.” Turn toward your spouse. * 7) Affectionate (vs 8) - we need to long for our spouse with loving affection. Appreciation leads to affection.

Philippians 1:9-10 (9/23/16)

September 23, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Paul is talking about growing in maturity - he wants believers to mature in their love for Christ and others. • The proper sign of our maturity is two-fold: • 1) We can discern between good and evil. • 2) We can discern between good and best. • We are not to remain infants as Hebrews 5:13-14 says. • We shouldn’t only know God as Father but not friend, counselor, and guide. • A toddler may call every four-legged animal a “bow-wow,” but in time they should be able to discern between a dog and a cat. • To “distinguish” is a mark of maturity.

Philippians 1:12-14 (10/12/22)

October 12, 2022 • Benham Brothers • Philippians 1:12–14

* In life we have both blessings and burdens. * When Satan is in charge, blessings become burdens. * When God is in charge, burdens become blessings. * What’s true about both is that they aren’t ultimately about you! * God made us to be conduits, not cul-de-sacs. * When we are operating under God: * Blessings flow through us to others. * Burdens are converted to blessings for others. * Let’s look at our role regarding both. * Blessings - As God gives to us, we should be looking to give to others. Why? * Because the foundation for love is to give. * “For God so loved the world that He gave…” * When we give we connect to God. * KEY - when God gives us something good (wisdom, knowledge, experience, etc) and He asks us to give it away, don’t balk! * We often say, “I don’t have anything to offer.” * That’s a slap in God’s face. * Let Him use you to do good things. * Burdens - As we go through tough times, we should be looking to help others. Why? * Same reason as above - the foundation for love giving. * The burden is converted to a blessing for others if you find peace in the pain. * A mindset of “I’m going to get through this so I can help others” is the secret to finding that peace. * Paul is in jail - he wrote most of his letters when his freedom was taken away. * Look how he responded: * Vs 12-14 - courage is contagious. * Paul converted his burden to a blessing for others - both believers and unbelievers. * Look at the result: * People were encouraged (vs 14) - courage is contagious! * People got saved (vs 4:22). * Vs 4:21-22 - Bible Knowledge Commentary: * Those who belong to Caesar’s household were probably those who had come to Christ as a result of Paul’s house arrest. This probably included soldiers and relatives of Caesar’s household.” * There were saints in Caesar’s palace because Paul was put in Caesar’s prison! * The stuff that happens to you is so that something can happen through you for others. * So don’t fret where God puts you, just be faithful right where you are!