
2 Cor 3:7-9 (9/3/14)

New Covenant

September 3, 2014 • Benham Brothers

vs 7-9 - the old covenant was the law and it convicted of sin - it brought death.
vs 17 - the new covenant was the Spirit and it brought life - it meant God "with" us.
Both covenants are glorious, but the new covenant is now in full effect.
The old covenant was a law written on tablets - the new covenant is the spirit of the law written on our hearts.
vs 18 - the new covenant "inside" us and people can see it all over our face.
In the old covenant when Moses was in God's presence his faced glowed but he had to veil it.
Now God's glory shines through us so when we look in a mirror we are seeing a reflection of God Himself.
It's from glory, old covenant, to glory, new covenant.