
Lessons From Matthew

Matthew 1:1 (1/2/20)

January 2, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* The OT ends with a mention of fathers and the NT begins with a list of dads. * The OT is about promises - the NT is about fulfillment of those promises - this is why the NT starts with a genealogy. It had to fulfill Isaiah 11:1 and 2 Samuel 7:11-16 that says the Messiah will come from the line of David. * We typically skip genealogies, but for God’s people they are extremely important. * Every one of the people mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy have stories about them in the OT. Those stories are REALLY IMPORTANT! Why? * In Hebrew thought you are the summation of all those past generations. * The Hebrew word used was “hityahsu” - the main idea is “to be enrolled.” Literally means “be part of the list of all whom you belong to.” * In Hebrew, you are a collection of all those past relationships. * They all happened because God engineered them. * What’s this mean for us? TWO THINGS: * 1) You are responsible to those who came before you - you have a debt to pay. * You aren’t the independent autonomous center of your own world - you don’t even exist without those who’ve gone before you. * You OWE them. * 2) You are responsible to those who come after you - you owe a debt to them too. You must “pay it forward.” * This is what relationship is all about - you owe the past and future. * ANALOGY: Live your life as a rower of a boat. * As you start the new year, move forward by looking at the past. * Look at all those who went before you (both personally and in the Scripture). * Move forward into the dark of the future and think of those who await our choices. * You have a debt to both - don’t let them down! * (Notes taken from Skip Moen commentary)

Matthew 1:1 (1/4/18)

January 4, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The New Testament must open up with a genealogy that shows two things: * 1) Jesus was a Jew descended directly from Abraham. * 2) Jesus was royalty descended directly from David. * The word used for genealogy is “hityahsu” - in Hebrew this means “be part of the list of all whom you belong to.” (Skip Moen) * Matthew was showing that Jesus belonged to the Jews as their king. * vs 2:1 - Herod was a descendant of Esau, which went against Genesis 25:23 that stated Esau would serve Jacob. * The opening of Matthew 2 could read like this - "Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days when the descendants of Esau ruled over the descendants of Jacob....." * God had to set the stage for His Son to enter the world, and it was at a time when all hope seemed lost. But everything was about to be restored!

Matthew 1:18-25 (1/5/22)

January 5, 2022 • Benham Brothers • Matthew 1:18–25

* The OT is the genealogy of the first Adam / the NT is the genealogy of the last Adam. * the Bible is a book about RELATIONSHIPS. * these genealogies aren’t about people, but payment. * Row the Boat - to move forward, look at the past. * look at those who went before you and those who come after you. * Backstory - Matthew is trying to convince Jews that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah (lots of OT references). * God chose Mary & Joseph to raise His Son (like choosing adoptive parents). * What kind of guy was Joseph? How did he handle relationships? * Notice the actions Joseph took when he discovered his soon-to-be wife was pregnant with a child not his own: * 1) He covered (vs 19) - he was willing to bear the shame (he wouldn’t tell people what happened). * To cover someone means you’ll take the blows headed their way. * The foundation for intimacy (to be fully known and fully accepted) is an assurance that you are safe to reveal yourself (you’re covered). * 2) He considered (vs 20) - he was “considerate.” * Being considerate is about three words - YOU BEFORE ME! * We’ll see later he considered God’s ideas over his own. * 3) He obeyed (vs 24) - he obeyed God whatever the cost. Think about his options: * If he divorced her, he’s seen as a man who didn’t honor his commitment. * If he stayed with her, he’d be considered a fornicator. * 4) He honored (vs 25a) - to honor means “to give regard.” * He didn’t touch Mary before they got married. * He honored God by obeying Him and not touching her. * 5) He took authority (vs 25b) - naming rights signifies authority. * He walked in authority because he was faithful in his responsibility.

Matthew 1:19 (1/3/19)

January 3, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* When Joseph discovered his fiancée was pregnant he stopped to consider what he would do. * This is so good - he didn’t let his emotions determined his actions. * Because he took time to consider, he crafted a plan to cover her. * He would divorce her secretly. * He was going to exercise justice, but would show mercy at the same time. * In the midst of his considering the angel shows up and brings clarity. * Clarity will come only when you stop and consider. * Matthew Henry - “Those who would have direction from God must think on things themselves, and consult with themselves. It is the thoughtful, not the unthinking, whom God will guide.”

Matthew 2:1-6 (1/9/20)

January 9, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* Vs 1 - Gen 25:23 - God gave the promise that the descendants of Jacob would rule over the descendants of Esau. * Herod was a descendant of Esau. * Jesus enters the picture when it seemed all hope was lost. * Vs 2 - the star was there for everyone to see, but only those who had eyes to see truly saw it. * They saw it because they were looking. * God showed up to the Jewish shepherds with an angel - He showed up to the Gentile philosophers with a star. * The wise men were faithfully searching, and the shepherds were faithfully working. * Those two go hand-in-hand - working as unto the Lord while looking and listening for His voice. * When you do this, God shows up! * Like the experts in fraud detection that work for the government - they are working and searching - they can spot a fake. * Vs 3-6 - only the wise men went on the search. * So the religious rulers never saw the King.

Matthew 2:11-18 (1/5/22)

January 5, 2022 • Benham Brothers • Matthew 2:11–18

* In the OT the king and priest were separate offices. * In the NT God makes us both king and priest through Christ. * Vs 11 - The wise men gave gifts, which likely helped this poor couple make the move to Egypt and then down to Nazareth. * Notice what they were: * Gold for a KING. * Frankincense for a PRIEST. * Myrrh for death (this oil kept dead bodies from stinking). * Fast forward to Revelation 1:6 and we see that we are king/priests. * Gold - The KING in us makes the gold so we can sustain ourselves. * Frankinsence - The PRIEST side of us keeps us in right relationship with God. * Frankincense was an oil who’s aromatic properties are said to promote feelings of relaxation, peace, and overall wellness. * It's also thought that frankincense can help support cellular function. * Myrrh - The foundation for our identity, however, is DEATH! * We have to die to ourselves if we’re going to see the life that’s inside us manifest itself to the world (like a seed). * Vs 12 - wise people pay attention to their dreams! * Vs 13 - God took them the opposite way of where they were supposed to be. * The king of the Jews doesn’t live in Egypt!! * Vs 14-15 - Joseph obeyed without question. * Vs 16 - When God plans for deliverance, Satan plans for destruction. * Herod wanted to be king alone, but he was also not a full-blooded Jew. * He was an Idumaean, which was a descendant of Esau. * This points back to the age-old hostility between two seeds! * KEY - Your obedience to God’s leading may cost other people. * Babies died! * If you’re going to honor God, you need to count the right cost. * If you focus on what it will cost others in the moment God asks you to do something, you’ll become God to them. * Vs 17-18 - Matthew reminded them this was all a part of God’s plan.

Matthew 2:13-15 (12/31/15)

December 31, 2015 • Benham Brothers

• Where your greatest talent and passion intersect. • Along the way God often leads us to places of protection and preparation. • This is our Egypt. • We can react one of two ways: • 1 - Long to get out of Egypt - they're not comfortable where they are. • These people need contentment. • 2 - Long to stay in Egypt - they get comfortable where they are. • These people need to trust God.

Matthew 2:19-22 (1/5/17)

January 5, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Matthew 2:19-22 - When God spoke Joseph moved - he didn’t sit around and ask why, when, or how. * Notice the angel didn’t tell Joseph the specific city he was to go to. * God downloaded the specific city to him after he obeyed. * When we obey one command God gives us another - He gives light as we obey. * If we balk at one point we forfeit His further instructions. * When God speaks we move, but we pay attention to our natural inclinations as Joseph did when he was afraid (vs 22). * God used Joseph’s healthy fear for the protection of his family to help guide him where he was to be. * The key is to WAIT ON GOD - wait for Him to speak. * Genesis 8:13-14 - Noah was in a new place and his family could not wait to get off the boat. * But he didn’t leave the boat until God told him to, but it took time. * It took 57 days for the ground to fully dry. * During this time God was preparing the ground for Noah and his family to flourish. * When God brings you into a new place it takes time - be patient and don’t get ahead of Him. * If Noah left early before God spoke then he would have gotten stuck in the mud.

Matthew 3 / Malachi 4 (1/2/14)

January 2, 2014 • Benham Brothers

300+ years were between Malachi and Mathew There was no prophecy or prophets during this time Then John the Baptist enters the picture (hence fulfilling the prophesy) He was "the voice" not the speaker - God was the speaker His message was repentance, which they were familiar with But his reason for repenting was different - it went from "national" to "personal" He encouraged people to repent for salvation personally, not for God to save them nationally This prepared the way for ALL people, not just Jews, to receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance into heaven

Matthew 3:3-17 (1/10/14)

January 10, 2014 • Benham Brothers

The term rabbi means "honored person" - Jesus was considered a rabbi, so was John the Baptist Two types of rabbis: 1) Torah teachers who could teach the people what was already known as truth 2) Rabbi's with Shmeeha - these were rabbi's who had proven themselves as having authority and could come up with new interpretations of the text A rabbi could only get shmeeha by two other rabbi's with shmeeha publicly acknowledging his worthiness of it John the Baptist had shmeeha and acknowledged Jesus as having authority God Himself did it when Jesus was baptized Jesus is the only rabbi in history to get His shmeeha directly from God!

Matthew 3:11 (1/8/15)

January 8, 2015 • Benham Brothers

John was giving the heads up that the Messiah would come and baptize people in one of two ways: 1) Holy Spirit - those who surrendered to Christ would be filled with His Spirit. 2) Fire - those who rejected Christ would experience eternal punishment. I think we can apply this to Christians in another way as well. Christ's baptism would come in two steps: 1) Step One - Holy Spirit. Being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. 2) Step Two - Fire. This is where suffering comes in and where God refines you in the fire! Just like gold is refined by the fire where the dirt and "non-gold" is melted off. A gold refiner knew that gold was ready when he could see his face in the gold! Suffering is a choice, but apart from it you cannot experience the totality of Christ's baptism. Remember what Jesus said to Paul? It was all about suffering. Look at the letters to the churches in Revelation - it was all about overcoming suffering. God has ordained suffering as a part of His reconciliation process for mankind.

Matthew 3:16-4:1 (1/6/19)

January 6, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Jesus was about to begin His ministry, so what would His dad say to Him?   * Matthew 3:16-17 - God spoke three words of life into His Son:   * 1) You are mine - “This is My Son”   * Kids need to hear parents say “that’s my boy!” “That’s my girl!”  * This phrase communicates security (I will take care of you), identity (you are a Benham), and acceptance (you belong to me).   * 2) I love you - “Whom I love”   * Kids need to know our love is unconditional.   * Love is compassion with standards.   * Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.   * Relationship without rules leads to rejection.   * 3) I am pleased with you - “With Whom I am well pleased”   * This phrase communicates favor - “I like you. Your behavior pleases me.”  * I’ve told my kids before, “If I were your age we’d totally hang out.”   * Love is unconditional, but favor is conditioned on our obedience.   * What had Jesus done up to this point that His Dad was so pleased with?   * He was faithful in a blue-collar world!   * BUT THEN… * Matthew 4:1 - Love that is not tested is love that won’t last.   * Satan attacked Christ’s relationship with His dad.   * The first two temptations (vs 3 & 6) challenge what God had just told Jesus.   * The third temptation (vs 9) Satan pulls the gloves off and just goes for it.   * KEY - When you withstand Satan’s attacks you’ll end up seeing him for who he is. * Jesus went in “full of the Holy Spirit” but He walked out in the “power” of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1 & 14).

Matthew 3:17 (1/7/16)

January 7, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• What was God referring to when He spoke to Jesus after His baptism? • He was proud of His boy for living a holy life when nobody else could see Him. • God knew what was next for His Son, so I’m sure He knew Jesus would need encouragement. • Be faithful right where you are - God is pleased.

Matt 4:1-11 (1/10/14)

January 10, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Just after God honored Jesus publicly He put Him in a period of testing Jesus knew the devil was coming so He fasted 40 days to prepare for the war The devil came at the point of His weakness (HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) Behind every temptation is a lie Jesus countered the lie of the devil with the truth of God's Word - "It is written...." The three lies behind Jesus' temptations: 1) Satan says to turn the stones into bread - The lie: "Meet your need your way. Don't wait on God." The truth: "God will meet all my needs" 2) Satan says "throw yourself down and let the angels save you - The lie: "Prove yourself." The truth: "God has already proven Himself" 3) Satan says "I will give you all the kingdoms of the world if you only worship me" - The lie: "Take a shortcut - isn't this why you came anyways, to be king of the world?" The truth - "Nothing gained by broken fellowship with My Father is worth having."

Matt 4:1-11 (1/10/14)

January 10, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Just after God honored Jesus publicly He put Him in a period of testing Jesus knew the devil was coming so He fasted 40 days to prepare for the war The devil came at the point of His weakness (HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) Behind every temptation is a lie Jesus countered the lie of the devil with the truth of God's Word - "It is written...." The three lies behind Jesus' temptations: 1) Satan says to turn the stones into bread - The lie: "Meet your need your way. Don't wait on God." The truth: "God will meet all my needs" 2) Satan says "throw yourself down and let the angels save you - The lie: "Prove yourself." The truth: "God has already proven Himself" 3) Satan says "I will give you all the kingdoms of the world if you only worship me" - The lie: "Take a shortcut - isn't this why you came anyways, to be king of the world?" The truth - "Nothing gained by broken fellowship with My Father is worth having."