
Lessons From Acts

Acts 1:4-5 (6/20/19)

June 20, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Luke wrote acts as a continuation of his gospel. * Acts bridges the gap the gospels and Romans. * It shows how the church sprang up and how the gospel began to spread. * Wiersbe - “The Book of Acts is also the account of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the church. The Gospel of Luke records what Jesus “began both to do and teach” in His human body, and the Book of Acts tells us what Jesus continued to do and teach through His spiritual body, the church.” * Jesus had already given them the charge to go into all the world to make disciples, yet He tells them to wait to do it. * First, they needed to be clothed in power. * They had to stay in Jerusalem in order to get it. * At this point Jerusalem was the most dangerous place on earth for a Christ follower. * They could’ve been killed like Jesus was. * They also could’ve easily said, “Let’s hurry and go fulfill our calling.” * But they waited and showed us a great principle - Power is often a result of pace! * So they had to do two things - wait (move at God’s pace) and resist (the fear of being killed). * Power is the ability to do something. Authority is the right to do it. * Christ had given them authority, now they had to wait on the power. * While they waited, they resisted the enemy (fear).

Acts 1:6-8 (6/5/14)

June 5, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Jesus had now risen from the dead and was giving His last instructions before He ascended to Heaven. The disciples asked if now was the time He would restore the Kingdom back to Israel. They were under Roman bondage and they thought He was going to restore the kingdom. Jesus was going to do that, but He wasn't going to do it from the outside-in, He was going to do it from the inside-out. Observe: 1) Jesus didn't deny the physical restoration of Israel, but He knew that if spiritual restoration took place first then physical restoration would be the natural outpouring of that. He was going to restore the kingdom from the inside-out. Jesus is more interested in changing a person than a persons' behavior because He knows behavior will follow naturally when a person is changed on the inside. 2) Before Jesus made the nation of Israel "right" He needed to make people "right," so He was going to actually come and live "inside" of people to do this. Jesus changed their identities - He "made" them brand new. 3) He gave them their mission - to simply be His witnesses! That's it - just tell the world what He's done and how He lives inside of people. Testimonies are so powerful because they cannot be debated - you can't debate someone's experience. Internal transformation must precede External Transformation. https://dl-http://web.dropbox.com/get/podcasts%20-%202014

Acts 1:15-22 (6/16/16)

June 16, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Can you imagine the conversation amongst the disciples about Judas after Jesus died? • But then Jesus shows up and confirms their deepest hopes of His resurrection. • They weren’t focused on Judas anymore, but Jesus. • Then Christ gives them new marching orders and ascends to Heaven. • These disciples were no longer a band of buddies with no purpose, but now a band of brothers united to honor their king. • But what about Judas’s spot? • Notice how Peter handled the situation - he pointed to Scripture. • He was able to see God at work even in the situation with Judas’ betrayal. • Notice: • 1) There was an obvious situation that need to be dealt with. • 2) Peter went to the Scripture and found a passage. • 3) Peter applied the truth of God’s Word to the situation. • 4) He then made the proper application. • In doing this he kept his emotions from taking the lead. • This is how to properly handle any situation you find yourself in.

Acts 1:23 (6/18/15)

June 18, 2015 • Benham Brothers

Christ was gone and the disciples needed to replace Judas. It came down to Justus and Matthias, but Matthias got picked. Justus didn't make the cut. How did he respond? Colossians 4:11 - he became a helper to Paul. He remained in the background and served faithfully, even though he knew God didn't choose him for a leadership role. How do we know if our motive is pure? By how we react when what we desire either happens or doesn't happen. Justus proved that he was a faithful disciple with pure motives. He didn't get the title, but he maintained the identity.

Acts 2 (6/5/14)

June 5, 2014 • Benham Brothers

vs 1 - The DAY of Pentacost took place 1,447 years after the FEAST of Pentacost was instituted. This feast was to remember the giving of the Law of God to Moses on the Mountain, and served as the inaguration of the Jewish church. God is never in a rush - consider the Great Reformation - it played out over hundreds of years. vs 3 - Tongues of fire came down, not the crazy language we all think about, but the wet ones in our mouths. God's Law was accompanied by fire, and so were these tongues. God's Law through the Spirit was now written on our hearts, but more than that was happening - the very TONGUE that spoke the Law into existance was going to live inside of people! God was making His dwelling inside of man, and He would manifest Himself through their speech! vs 6 - The command of Jesus was to go into all the world and make disciples, but how could they do that if they didn't speak the world's languages? The miracle of Pentacost dealt with this issue, and gave the disciples the ability to speak in native languages of the nations. Jesus didn't even utilize this ability - He only spoke in one language, and that's why He said, "greater gifts than these you will do...." vs 13 - The people standing around heard the disciples speaking in languages they had never heard and it sounded like gibberish, so they blamed it on the wine. The devil will always have a faulty explanation for the miracles of God. vs 32 - Peter is doing the very thing Jesus commanded them to do just before He ascended - to be a WITNESS. He explained his eye-witness account of Jesus and God's Word according to the OT. vs 37-38 - Repentance - Peter gave the best response ever to the question, "What must we do?" Anytime you ask that question about anything, always start with repentance. When you start with repentance this leads to humility, and God gives grace to the humble!

Acts 2:1-4 (6/18/20)

June 18, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* With God, the impossible is fully possible - but it requires a few things from us. * Before Jesus rose into heaven He gave the disciples the “Great Commission” - marching orders on what to do and how to make an impact. * This was an impossible thing to accomplish - no technology, phones, planes, translation software, etc. * *** This would be like God telling us today to go an inhabit the planet Mars. Impossible. * So how would they be able to do what He called them to do? * The Holy Spirit - Jesus promised them that His helper would come. * His Spirit would make it possible. * *** This would be like God telling my 10 year old daughter Lundi to lead the Lakers to an NBA championship. * But then if He gave her the spirit of Magic Johnson it would be possible. * So when God has spoken to us and given us our marching orders, what are we to do? * The same thing the disciples did. Three things: * 1) They waited (Acts 1:4) - they didn’t charge off and do the thing. * They moved at God’s pace, not their own. * It took 10 days before the Holy Spirit showed up. * 2) They prayed (Acts 1:13 Passion Version) - God delights in the prayer of the upright (Proverbs 15:8). * 3) They gathered (Acts 2:1) - being together with others knits your hearts together. * We are made for connection. * How did God respond? * Acts 2:2-4 - The Holy Spirit came and they were able to do the impossible. * EX: we did these three things when we built our company from one office to 100.

Acts 2:14 (6/22/22)

June 22, 2022 • Benham Brothers • Acts 2:14

* Your greatest weakness is an over-extension of your greatest strength. * We turn our strength into weakness. * God turns our weakness back into a strength! * Blind Harry’s book “Wallace” about the life of Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace. * The opening line in the book - “In 1297, William Wallace raised his head.” * All William’s previous experiences led him to this moment where he would lead his people to fight the English for Scottish freedom. * Reading through the first few chaps of Acts made me think of Peter. * The last time we saw Peter: * He was on the seashore eating crow before Jesus. * The time before that he denied Jesus three times. * The time before that he got rebuked for cutting of someone’s ear. * The time before that he got rebuked for standing in the way of Christ’s mission. * The time before that God told him to shut up and listen (on the Mount of Transfiguration). * Peter was naturally bold - it was his biggest strength, but also his biggest weakness. * But now, things were different! * It was the Day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit descended powerfully on the place. * People were confused … * Vs 14 - “Then Peter stood up …” * No longer relying on his own strength or cowering in fear. * He stood boldly for the Lord and preached the very first message of the gospel. * Acts 3:1 - he was also the first to heal someone. * Peter turned his strength into a weakness. * But God turned Peter’s weakness into a strength. * What needed to happen before God could use Pete’s natural strength? * 1) He had to be humbled. * Boldness apart from Brokenness makes you a bully (Pete in the Garden) . * Brokenness apart from Boldness makes you a bystander (Pete in the Courtyard). * Boldness on the foundation of Brokenness makes you a Bridge between heaven and earth. * Pete was now a bridge! * 2) He needed the Holy Spirit. * God fills the humble, pure, and courageous heart. * Pete was simply “willing” to stand and speak, so the HS filled him for the job! * But not everyone wants to walk across that bridge - and some people want to blow the bridge up! * Response: * Acts 2:37 - 3k got saved. * Acts 5:33 - “When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put him to death.”

Acts 2:17-18 (6/20/19)

June 20, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* The prophet Joel prophesied what Peter is quoting in these verses. * One day all people would prophesy regardless of color, sex, or age. * We are now living in those days. * Women are listed among those who will prophesy. * Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:29 we are to let the prophets speak in church. * This means Paul was ok with women speaking in the church.

Acts 3:9-12 (6/22/17)

June 22, 2017 • Benham Brothers

•Before Christ ascended He gave Peter (and all of us) a two-fold call:  •1) Be fishers of men.  •2) Be feeders of the flock.  •Listen to how this verse starts out - “Peter saw his opportunity and addressed the crowd…..” •We need to always be looking for opportunities to do both of these things.  •Either the person will need to be saved or drawn closer to the Lord.  •We fish by using our light and a net of love.  •We feed by digesting the Word ourselves and then divulging it to others.

Acts 3:19 (6/21/18)

June 21, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Peter walked in the power of the Spirit, doing the same thing Jesus did when He was on the earth. * He then gives the key to experiencing refreshment for your soul - repentence. * Think of being in the middle of a desert with a dry throat - what you would give for a nice tall glass of water. * Imagine the refreshment you would experience. * Our souls long for this type of refreshment as well. * God made us this way so we would search for the only thing that truly refreshes - Jesus! * Only through repentance are we able to quench the thirst in our souls. * Refreshment is the result of repentance - both for unbelievers and believers.

Acts 4:7-10 (6/20/19)

June 20, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Peter had just accomplished an incredible feat as his popularity grew like wildfire. * How did he respond? * He deflected the praise to God. * If he were like many of us he would’ve said something like this - “Well, to be honest, I was the first disciple Jesus called and I was one of the only guys who saw Him transfigured and I happen to be the only guy who walked on the water like He did. Jesus saw my talent and has put me in charge, and so now I’ve taken Christ’s place as healer.” * He saw himself as just the tool God chose to get the job done. * We should take Peter’s example. * How was he rewarded? He was bullied, threatened, beaten, imprisoned, and ultimately killed. * How about that for “Your Best Life Now?” * God always promises our best life later.

Acts 4:13 (6/12/14)

June 12, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Peter & John, two unlearned men, stood courageously in the presence of the most powerful religious leaders in the world. They spoke eloquently of the truths of scripture and performed miracles that could not be denied. The religious leaders recognized this type of behavior - it was just like Jesus! They knew they had been with Jesus simply by their behavior. Can someone watch your behavior and say the same thing about you?

Acts 4:23-28 & 29-35 (6/23/16)

June 23, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Jesus gave marching orders and then ascended to heaven. • Peter took the lead and replaced Judas. • Then Pentecost came - tongues of fire (Giver of the law). • Peter preaches a message of repentance and 3,000 people get saved. • He then healed a lame beggar - now people flocked to Peter. • The religious leaders sought to shut him down - he became a threat to the system. • Why? Because they weren’t just voicing their faith but living it - they healed a man. • Peter & John JAILED! • vs 23-28 - they expected persecution. • They recalled God’s Word and Christ’s words. • Look at how many times Peter referred to God’s Word in Acts 1-4. • vs 29 - they didn’t pray for protection but power. • vs 30 - they were more concerned about Christ’s name than their own. • God’s Response - vs 31-35: • 1) Shaking (vs 31A) - Their environment was shaken, but they weren’t. • 2) Boldness (vs 31B) - God granted them the boldness they requested. • 3) Unity (vs 32A) - Functional Unity - these people were engaged in the battle b/t light and darkness. • 4) Generosity (vs 32B) - because Christ was supreme they saw themselves and their stuff as His. • 5) Grace (vs 33A) - God gave them the grace to handle this new power. • The ultimate result was ONENESS, just as Jesus prayed in John 17:20-23.

Acts 4:29-32 (6/29/22)

June 29, 2022 • Benham Brothers • Acts 4:29–32

* We wrote a book - Beauty In Battle: winning in marriage by waging a war. * Premise - “fighting together draws you together.” * Four levels of community - you grow close with those you: * 1) Study with * 2) Share with * 3) Serve with * 4) Suffer with * CrossFit Sign - “I hate you. I hate this place. See you tomorrow.” * God built us this way so we would need each other. * God is not all we need! (Adam & Eve) * EX: 911 story. * Random Number Generators based on earth’s electromagnetic field. * When everyone grieved together, they all synced up. * Backstory - early church had intense suffering. * Apostles beaten, killed, thrown in jail. * In the midst of that, they prayed: * Vs 29 - they had a “whatever the cost” mindset. * Vs 30 - answer our prayers so people know Jesus is alive! * Vs 31 - God responds to boldness! * He gives you the power you need to do the job. * Vs 32 - “All the believers were one in heart and mind…” * Fighting together draws you together. * Unity as the result of suffering yields power! * Problem - Satan wants people to fight face-to-face against each other rather than shoulder-to-shoulder against him. * Three Battles: * Personal - fight over sin. * Relational - fight with people. * Kingdom - fight for people. * The more you win the personal battle and stay out of the relational battle, the more powerful you are in the kingdom battle. * The personal and kingdom battle involve suffering - that’s why God wants us to do it with others. * Fighting together draws us together. * Matthew 18:20 - “Where two or three are gathered…” * Matthew 16:18 - “…and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.”

Acts 4:31 (6/18/20)

June 18, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* Today, Christian business owners are being threatened by an agenda to silence. * They want total compliance with a secular agenda void of God. * So what do we do? * The disciples found themselves in the same boat. * They were being persecuted, and Peter and John specifically were threatened that if they didn’t stop speaking in Christ’s name they would be punished. * So how did they respond? * Four Ways: * 1) They focused on the power of God, not the size of their problem (vs 23-24). * When you do this the problem becomes extremely small compared to the ossum power of the Almighty. * 2) They drew strength from Scripture (vs 25-26). * The stories of the Bible will be a great encouragement to you as you read. * “Encourage” means to “make courageous.” * 3) They saw God’s hand at work in the midst of it (vs 27-28). * They looked beyond the problem to God being on the throne and in charge of what took place. * They knew what the devil meant for evil God means for good. * 4) They refused to bow before men (vs 29-30). * They had no intention of stopping what they were doing, whatever the cost. * They were willing to sacrifice everything, even their lives. * So how did God respond? Verse 31 - the whole place was shaken! * He answered their prayer and gave them the boldness they sought! * Matthew Henry - “They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, more than ever; by which they were not only encouraged, but enabled to speak the word of God with boldness, and not to be afraid of the proud and haughty looks of men.”