

No Matter Where!

June 29, 2014 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

A Christian might go on a mission trip, but someone who is following Jesus is on mission, they are a missionary. They take a simple message (Kingdom of God is at hand), and they deliver it with compassion (healing the sick).

Never Alone!

June 22, 2014 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

We cannot truly follow Jesus alone. We were made to follow in community with others. There are reasons for this: we will be more motivated when others are around us (encouraged to do good works), but we also model unity to a fractured world and relationships speak of the transforming power of Christ, bringing together those who are so different.

No Matter the Task!

June 15, 2014 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

If we are really going to follow Jesus, not just call ourselves Christians, we will take up our basin of water to wash people's feet like Jesus did. He told us to serve each other like he served the disciples. We aren't followers if we aren't washers.

No Matter the Cost!

June 8, 2014 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

There are things in our Christian life that don't make sense, but he is calling us to follow completely, to leave everything behind in order to become like him.

No Matter What!

June 1, 2014 • Pastor Mark Kent

Being a Christian is ascenting to certain beliefs, but being a follower means going where Jesus leads and doing what Jesus says. Today we will look at how when we follow Jesus we will befriend the worst of our culture and we will offend the religious. Jesus did and so will we.