
Sweating the Small Stuff

Full Service

November 13, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

How many victories do we miss out on because of sin in our lives. While we are saved by grace, we cannot fall into the trap of saying that grace allows us to live in sin. Bold faith ruthlessly fights to follow God's lead even in the minutia.

Passing the Faith Along (message)

November 27, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

Bold faith does whatever it takes to reach the next generation and beyond. This is the final message to the nation of Israel and it's a clarion call to commit publicly to following God's way. As a church, if we hope to have bold faith, we must boldly commit without reservation to all His ways!

Passing the Faith Along

November 27, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

Bold faith does whatever it takes to reach the next generation and beyond. This is the final message to the nation of Israel and it's a clarion call to commit publicly to following God's way. As a church, if we hope to have bold faith, we must boldly commit without reservation to all His ways!

How to Avoid Being Duped

November 20, 2016 • Pastor Jamey Stuart

The Bible clearly spells out how to handle many decisions we face but what do we do when the bible isn't really clear on a course of action? Do you have people in your life that love God, love you, and love the church and can give you wise counsel? Do you seek God for advice on how to respond to life's daily struggles?