
The Advent Conspiracy

Nov 24-Dec 22

Love All

December 15, 2013 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

It all boils down to love. Love from a savior. Love to a neighbor in need. By spending just a little less on gifts we free up our resources to love as Jesus loves by giving to those who really need help.

Give More

December 8, 2013 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

We know what you're thinking. "Wait, didn't they just say I should spend less, and yet here they are telling me to give more? What gives?" The most powerful, memorable gift you can give to someone else is yourself. And nobody modeled this more than Jesus. So what does this look like for you? Tickets to a ball game or the theater? A movie night? The main point is simple: When it comes to spending time with those you love, it's all about quality, not quantity.

I Choose Thankful

December 1, 2013 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

Spend Less

November 24, 2013 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

Spend less time, money, and worry this season.

Worship Fully

November 17, 2013 • Rev. Jennifer Williams

Christmas marks the moment where God's promise was fulfilled and love took form, tiny fingers and all. It is a moment that deserves our full attention and praise. Our involvement at Christmas is based entirely on how much we are celebrating Christ's birth. He deserves celebration; one that is creative, loud and directs every heart His way.