
Which Kingdom are we living for?

Advent Conspiracy

December 4, 2016 • Tim Gaydos

What is telling our story as humans? The Christ-Child or the consumeristic philosophy of this world? In Matthew 2, Jesus comes down to show us a new way to find the hope and peace we after. Herod pursued influence, power, control and wealth. Jesus paves a counter-cultural way for us.

"How?" : Mary's Story

December 11, 2016 • Tyler Gorsline

Can you imagine what it would have been like to hear you were giving birth to the savior of the world? Mary's story is an incredible picture of God giving incredible purpose to unimportant people, and the courage to trust God's plans. Instead of denying God's call to give all of who she is, Mary responds by asking: "How is it to be so?". We are called to do the same. This sermon by Tyler Gorsline invites us to receive the gift of Jesus and to ask Him how he wants us to give our life to follow him.

Worship Fully

November 27, 2016 • Tyler Gorsline

Jesus' birth shook the foundation of how we understand our world. The rules were broken by the greatest story ever told. Tyler Gorsline looks at Matthew 2:1-20 and how Herod and the Magi responded to this good news. Asking the questions "who/what do you worship?", and how are we to flee idolatry and gifts that will never satisfy apart from Jesus.