

And The Gospel

When God Gives Grace To Our Enemies

December 29, 2013 • Jon Paul Dennison

Additional Scripture References: Jonah 1:17, Habakkuk 1:5-7, 9-11, Jonah 2:5-6, Matthew 12:39-40, Matthew 12:41

Jonah's Prayer From Inside The Fish

November 6, 2011 • Jon Paul Dennison

The predicament of the prophet Jonah continues to get worse as he finds himself in the belly of a fish in the Mediterranean. What we begin to hear is the prayer of a prophet who did not obey God. Then we see how even still the gospel is illustrated and carried out in a powerful way. Additional Scripture References: Matthew 12:38-40, 2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 16:10

A Disobedient Prophet

June 5, 2011 • Jon Paul Dennison

Throughout the Old Testament, we find "types" (representations) of Christ. Such is the case in the life of Jonah. Additional Scripture References: Matthew 13:12, Romans 1:24, Pslam 139:7-8, Mark 4:35-41, Acts 1:26