
Special Announcement From Angus Buchan!

A personal invitation.

Angus Buchan

Wonderful news! We can say with great joy and extreme excitement that the FNB stadium has been officially booked for a great National gathering of the children of God on the 19th Nov 2016
The entrance fee will be for FREE!
Please put this date in your diary today and start praying for it, pass it around, we are trusting Jesus for a full house, and His Holy Ghost fire is going to fall.

The Light of the world

Psalm 119:105

Are you walking in spiritual darkness? Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Psalm 119:105. God's Word warns us that we need to walk in holiness and keep ourselves pure. We need to follow the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. 

The flint

Isaiah 50:6–7

Flint is a very hard, sharp rock, immoveable. Isaiah 50:6-7. Maybe you are going through a tough time? Don't give up, finish what you have started. Discipline is a very important part of the Christian life. When we are called by God, it is not meant to be a bed of roses. If we trust in Him then we will succeed and not fail.

Know Him

John 17:3, John 3:16, Isaiah 53:11

Isaiah 53:11. John 17:3. John 3:16. Jesus paid for your debt and my debt in full. He has taken all our sin upon Himself so that we can go free, but we need to repent of our sins and follow Him with our whole hearts. We need to get our lives right and make sure that we really know Him, because Jesus is coming soon.