
The Great News of the Gospel

a series in Romans

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 1

January 29, 2023

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one book of the Bible with you, a great choice might be… Romans. What an incredible overview of the entire Gospel message! Here’s the opening message to my new series on Romans called “The GREAT News of the Gospel.” It addresses important questions like: Why did Jesus have to rise from the dead? What is “the obedience of faith”? Is the Gospel for everyone or only the “elect”?  There’s nothing more important than understanding righteousness by faith. It reminds me of the Italian expression il dolce far niente (meaning “the sweetness of doing nothing”). Not sure where I’m going with this? Let Romans help you with the art of doing nothing: “But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness” (Romans 4:5). Are you doing nothing to get right with God? Nothing to get more forgiven? Nothing to get closer to Him? I sure hope so, and you’ll discover why in this powerful and liberating message. Discussion Questions for Romans 1:1-17: 1. Read verse 2. What was promised beforehand? Can you think of any place in the Old Testament it was promised? 2. Read verse 4. How specifically has Jesus proven His identity?  3. Read verse 5. What is the obedience of faith? 4. How should we understand the use of the word “called” in this chapter? How does this jive with “For many are called but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14)? 5. Read verse 11. What does “impart some spiritual gift” mean here in context? 6. Read verse 13. Was God telling Paul where to go and when so he would not waste time? In your opinion, why or why not? 7. Read verse 16. Who is the Gospel for? Who can get saved? How does this verse help us understand the true meaning of predestination later in Romans? 8. Read verse 17. What does it mean to you to be righteous by faith?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 2

February 5, 2023

The truth is all around us! We see it in the mountains and in the stars. It’s evident in the animal kingdom and in our own bodies. We are not the product of random chance. We have a Creator! While this is obvious, some still suppress the truth, making foolish speculations about our origins. As a result, they don’t recognize God or give thanks to Him. Therefore, God gave them over… but not randomly one day because He was angry. No, humanity chose first to go rogue and live independent of Him. His response was to allow them the consequences of their choice. Romans 1 showcases this reality and even presents a controversial passage about sexual sin. This heinous sin is listed right alongside “disobedient to parents” – which says a lot. All of us – young and old – show up on the Planet in need of the same solution. And realizing our dilemma then puts the focus on the power of God’s grace – right where it should be! Enjoy this weighty message from Romans 1 and let us know what you think! Discussion Questions for Romans 1:18-32: 1. Read verse 18. What does “men who suppress the truth” mean? How do they suppress it? 2. Read verses 19-20. How are God’s attributes evident through what has been made?  3. Read verses 21-22. What are some of the futile, foolish speculations of people without God?  4. What are the three things God gave people over to? What do these mean for our core problem? 5. Read verses 26-27. What sin is defined here? What words and phrases help define it? 6. Read verses 29-31. Heinous sins are listed alongside “disobedient to parents.” What does this say about “levels of sin”? What does it say about God’s grace?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 3

February 12, 2023

Here’s the bad news: We’re all in the same boat! That’s the message of Romans 2 – we’re all equally doomed. And there’s no partiality with God. Whether it’s a Jew trying to keep the Law, or a Gentile trying to obey their conscience, there are exactly zero people on the planet who can meet God’s perfect standard. Here’s the good news: Therefore, God intervened. And He did so through Jesus Christ. As a result, anybody and everybody can be made perfect before God – for free. It’s about receiving, not achieving. This is where the book of Romans is headed. So, check out this important piece of the puzzle, as Romans 2 sets the stage for everything to come! Discussion Questions on Romans 2:1-16: 1. Have you ever found yourself judging another person when you've done the same thing? Discuss. 2. React to this statement: The kindness of God leads you to repentance. 3. Who has an unrepentant heart? Why is knowing the audience important here? 4. How many “doers of the Law” are there who persevere in doing good and merit eternal life? Why is this key to understanding Romans 2? 5. Why do you think Paul mentions that there’s no partiality with God? 6. Why are the Gentiles also accountable to God if they weren’t given the Law? 7. Take two minutes to summarize the point of this entire passage in one sentence. Then share your sentence with others.

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 4

February 19, 2023

The Law only breeds two things – defeat if you’re honest and hypocrisy if you’re not. In this tongue-in-cheek passage, Paul is calling all hypocrites to the carpet. Paul even goes as far to say that obedient Gentiles could rightfully judge disobedient Jews. Ouch. I’m sure that one ruffled some feathers! But Paul is simply trying to show that obedience to the Law is what really matters, and no one is able to be obedient to it. Once we’ve seen our inability, we can see Christ’s ability. Once we see our failure, we can see Christ’s success on Calvary. This is where Paul is leading us. So, buckle up for this blistering rebuke of hypocrites and the beautiful revelation that everything we need with God must be absolutely free! Discussion Questions for Romans 2:17-29: 1. Read verses 17-20. How are these verses written with “tongue in cheek”? 2. Read verses 21-23. What are the five ways Paul calls out so-called Law keepers for hypocrisy? 3. Read verse 24. Do unbelievers still look at religious people as hypocritical today? Give examples. 4. Read verses 25-27. Who actually “practices” or “keeps” the Law? So, why is Paul saying what he says in these two verses? 5. Read verses 28-29. How does this speak to our identity? What is the circumcision of the heart? What does this mean for your spiritual desires?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 5

February 26, 2023

We humans are quick to put God on trial. We weigh His decisions and seek to determine if He is good and fair. Of course, this is a result of us eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And in Romans 3, Paul was calling humanity out and responding to some of the crazy conclusions the Romans had come to about God’s grace. Furthermore, Paul goes on to clarify that the Law only speaks to one group- those under the Law (not Christians!). And the Law is designed to point out spiritual death and addiction to sin. Romans 3 has so much to offer us as we seek to understand the difference between Law and Grace. So check out this important message and be encouraged in the great news of the Gospel! Discussion Questions on Romans 3:1-20: 1. Read verse 4. Why do you think we humans are so quick to “put God on trial”? 2. Read verses 5-8. What three crazy conclusions does Paul have to refute? Can you imagine a person today drawing those same conclusions? Why or why not? 3. React to this statement: “Both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.” How does this speak to a worldwide problem and the one and only solution? 4. Read verses 11-18. Calvinists look to this passage to claim an unbeliever can’t call out to Jesus for salvation unless God chooses (causes) them to do so. Is that what the passage is saying? What are your thoughts? 5. Read verse 19. Who specifically is the Law speaking to? And what does it say? 6. Read verse 20. What is the purpose of the Law? In whose life? Does the Law define sin for a believer? Why or why not?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 6

March 5, 2023

The Law only speaks to one group – unbelievers. And it shuts everyone up! But thankfully, apart from the Law we can enjoy being 100% right with God for free. And God’s need for justice has been fully satisfied: The wages of sin is death. Jesus died. Do the math and celebrate! Does this mean we bash the Law or hate the Law? No, it means the opposite: Those who opt for God’s grace are the only ones who truly respect the Law as both perfect and impossible! So, I hope this message on the second half of Romans 3 causes you to brag on Jesus like never before! Discussion Questions for Romans 3:19-31 1. Read verses 19-20. In review, who does the Law speak to and what does it say? 2. Read verses 21-22. What significance does “apart from the Law” hold? And in your own words, what is "righteousness"? 3. Read verse 24. How is "justification" more than just being forgiven? 4. Read verse 25. What is "propitiation"? What is God trying to tell us in using this word? 5. Read verse 26. How is God both “just” and “the justifier? (Hint: Consider the wages of sin.) 6. Read verses 27-28. Why doesn’t the Gospel lead us into arrogance? 7. Read verses 29-30. How does this speak to those who claim there’s one message for Jews and a different message for Gentiles today? 8. Read verse 31. What does “establish the Law” mean here? (Hint: It’s only those who opt for God’s grace instead that truly respect the perfect and impossible standard of the Law.)

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 7

March 13, 2023

Abraham and David are perfect examples of those who were credited with righteousness and had their sins covered. By faith, they were forgiven and made right before God. But we have something more than a credited righteousness and something better than a sin covering. Find out why you can celebrate God’s grace even more than Abraham or David in this eye-opening message on Romans 4. Questions for Romans 4:1-15 1. Read verse 3. In what way is our righteousness more than credited to us? 2. Read verse 5. Why do you think the idea of “not working” and simply believing is so controversial today? 3. Read verse 7. In what way is our forgiveness more than a covering? 4. Read verse 8. How does this respond to those who claim we need to keep short accounts with God? 5. Read verse 10. Why is Paul’s question and answer so important here? 6. Read verses 11-12. How is Abraham an example to both the Jews and the Gentiles? 7. Read verse 15. Does this mean Christian never commit sins? Why or why not?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 8

March 19, 2023

Abraham doubted God’s promise to provide him and his wife with a son. Then, he decided to have a child with another woman just in case God didn’t come through. But that’s not what Romans 4 says about Abraham! God tells us through the Apostle Paul that Abraham “did not waver” in unbelief, grew strong in his faith, and was “fully assured.” Are you kidding me? I find that interesting, to say the least, don’t you? Why would God describe Abraham in this way, leaving out his biggest failure and even showcasing his faith? I think you’re going to love the answer, because it’s a beautiful reminder of how God sees you even in the midst of failure. Find out more right here in this compelling look at Abraham from God’s viewpoint. Questions for Romans 4:16-5:1 1. In what way is Abraham the father of us all?  2. How does verse 17 speak to Creation itself?  3. React to this statement: God views Abraham as never wavering even though he concocted a Plan B.  4. How does verse 25 convey the two main aspects of the Gospel message? 5. What does it mean to you personally to have peace with God?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 9

March 26, 2023

God’s not mad at you! In fact, He’s delighted with you, and you enjoy perfect peace with Him. This is the beautiful, inspiring message of Romans 5. And everything that Adam ruined, Jesus fixed and made so much better. You now have an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. What more could you ever want? God has set you up to enjoy Him even when times are hard. Find out how in this encouraging look at Romans 5. Questions for Romans 5:1-17 1. What does it mean to you to be standing in grace? 2. What is our steady hope in the middle of tribulation?  3. Read verse 9 and react to this statement: God is never angry with me. 4. Read verse 10. What does Jesus’ death do for us? What does Jesus’ resurrection do for us? How exactly? 5. How do verses 13-14 address those who falsely claim there’s no sinning when there is no Law? (Note: These same deceivers say Christians no longer sin.) 6. Read verse 14. How is Adam a “type of Him who was to come”? (Hint: Think in terms of spiritual “prototypes” or family lines.) 7. Read verses 15-17. How are Adam and Jesus compared? Who wins and why? 8. How are “the abundance of grace” and “the gift of righteousness” the perfect combo?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 10

April 2, 2023

When sin increases, grace just increases even more. So, this begs the question: Why not just go out and sin to show off God’s grace? Paul offers an unexpected answer. He doesn’t issue any threats, and there’s no guilt trip or manipulation. Instead, he asks, “You died to sin. How can you live in it any longer?” Yes, that’s His answer. So, you could go out and sin, and God’s grace would never run out on you. But look at you! You died with Jesus and awoke as a new person bonded to Him forever. You’re so different now. How could you live in sin any longer? Or maybe you don’t know all the details of what happened to you at salvation? God has done something dramatic inside you. Find out exactly what in this essential message! Questions for Romans 5:18-6:7 1. Read verse 18. Explain the profound significance of the phrase “justification of life.”  2. Read verse 19. React to this statement: You’re righteous because of Someone else’s obedience. 3. Read Romans 5:20 and 6:1. What happens when sin increases? What are your thoughts on this? 4. Read verse 2. What reason does Paul give for not sinning? Expound on that reason. 5. Read verse 3. Why do you think some believers don’t know what happened to them at salvation? 6. Read verses 3-6 and then, in your own words, describe everything that took place within you when you believed. 7. Read verse 7. How is this different from trying hard to defeat sin or waiting on a future maturity? Explain.

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 11

April 16, 2023

You will never be deader to sin than you are right now. Let that sink in. That’s the radical, powerful message Romans 6 has to offer you. Jesus died to sin “once for all,” and He took you with Him into His death, burial, and resurrection. Now, you’re alive to God, and you can afford to be under His grace. Why? Because you don’t really desire to sin any longer! There’s nothing better than the liberating atmosphere of God’s grace to help you realize what you really want. Check out this message to learn why! Questions for Romans 6:1-14 1. In your own words, explain what it means to have “died to sin.” 2. Does “baptized” here refer to water? If not, then what? 3. Why is it important to recognize you were not “left in the tomb”? 4. Explain verse 7 and how it brings real hope right now. 5. Why did Jesus die to sin “once for all”? What does this mean for you?  6. What does being “alive to God” mean to you personally?  7. How is recognizing the power of sin as a “parasite” a game changer?  8. React to this statement: Sin won’t master you, because you’re under grace.

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 12

April 23, 2023

We’re under grace, so why not just sin? Paul’s answer in Romans 6 is essentially this: Look at you! You’ve got an obedient heart now, and you’re addicted to righteousness. You’ll never be happy sinning, because sin is hard work with no real payoff! I love this chapter, because it reveals the true nature of God’s counsel. There’s no guilt, no manipulation, and no fear. Instead, God gives you a healthy motivation to avoid sin and bear fruit. And it has everything to do with who you are now! I’m sure by now you’ve heard a lot of religious guilt trips. It’s time to ditch that whole shame game and enjoy lasting motivation brought to you by the God of the universe! Discussion Questions for Romans 6:15-23: 1. What is the radical question asked in verse 15? 2. What is the rationale given in verse 16? 3. What does Paul say happened to you in verse 17? 4. In your own words, explain verse 18. Be specific. 5. What is the parallel draw in verse 19? 6. What two key words in verse 21 offer reasons not to sin? Are they persuasive for you? 7. How is “enslaved to God” a synonym for sanctification in verse 22? 8. Verse 23 talks about the “wages” of sin. How is sin hard work? Is expressing Jesus hard work? Why or why not?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 13

April 30, 2023

Today, I have something truly fascinating to share with you—a powerful insight into Romans 7 that will transform your understanding of the Christian life. I invite you to watch this latest message in which I argue that Paul’s struggles in Romans 7 are not the normal Christian life, but the normal Law-based life. Being “sold in bondage to sin” is not the mark of a Christian, but rather the result of a life bound to the Law. Delving into Romans 7, we uncover an astonishing truth: Paul is saying that flirting with Moses is cheating on Jesus. Yes, astonishingly, Romans 7 reveals that sinful passions are actually aroused by the Law. This might sound counterintuitive, but sin even gains an opportunity through the Ten Commandments themselves. Join me in this eye-opening exploration of Romans 7, and together we’ll unlock the key to a fruitful and fulfilling Christian life, free from the bondage of sin and the constraints of the Law. I can’t wait for you to enjoy these powerful truths, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Discussion Questions for Romans 7:1-14: 1. Why does Paul use a marriage analogy? What’s the point? 2. How is verse 4 a summary of the “big picture” of this chapter? 3. Read verse 5. What does the Law do? 4. Read verse 6. How do we serve God today? 5. Read verse 7. What is the purpose of the Law? 6. Read verse 8. What specific commandment was in focus? How does one break free from sin? How does this verse show the Ten Commandments are not an exception to our freedom from the Law? 7. What are eight pieces of evidence that the passage is about Paul before his conversion? (Hint: Consider verses 1b, 3a, 5a, 7b, 9, 10, 11, and 14b.)

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 14

May 7, 2023

Here’s the second half of my take on Romans 7. It helps dispel the lie that there’s no real victory on this side of Heaven. It also explains how we are truly free from the clutches of sin. This is such an important message, as it introduces a revolutionary perspective on a central passage in the New Testament. Be encouraged! Discussion Questions for Romans 7:14-25 1. Read verse 14. Why is “sold into bondage to sin” such an important expression in this passage? 2. Read verses 15-16. What is his focus or goal? How does this speak into whether he’s referring to pre- or post-salvation? 3. Read verses 17 and 20. What is the core issue? How is this also revealing to us as believers? 4. Read verse 18. How should we interpret both “nothing good dwells in me” and “the willing is present in me”? 5. Read verse 19. What is the “good” that he wants to do? Why is this important to factor into our view of the passage? 6. Read verse 21. Imagine asking a devout Jewish person three questions: Do you want to do good? Do you always end up doing good? If not, why not? Now, how do you think they would answer those questions? And how does this help us interpret the passage? 7. Read verses 22-23. What is the specific goal of this person? What do they want to accomplish? Do they accomplish it? If not, why not? What does this say about the body (housing sin) vs. willpower for the unbeliever? 8. Read verse 24. What experience does this refer to? How does understanding this help? 9. How does verse 25 return to summarize the problem (before salvation) and the true origin of the conflict?

The Great News of the Gospel – Part 15

May 14, 2023

There’s zero condemnation for you! Romans 8 begins with the amazing reality that you’ll never get what you deserve. Sin deserves death, but you sin every day and never die. You always have eternal life in Jesus, no matter what. Romans 8 contains another stunning truth: “the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” This means you have a real righteousness that involves being alive in Christ. It’s not about imputed righteousness as “heavenly bookkeeping.” You’ve been imparted real righteousness at the core of your being. You’re the righteousness of God! In this message on Romans 8, I celebrate these exciting truths and so much more. In fact, you’ll gain a new perspective on the whole passage – no longer seeing it as merely being about two ways for the Christian to “walk” but instead as being about two kinds of people (unbelievers and believers). And during our exploration of the passage, you’ll discover that you have a new, powerful tendency within you. Enjoy! Discussion Questions for Romans 8:1-17: 1. What does “no condemnation” mean to you personally? 2. What is the law of sin and death? How were you set free from it? 3. How is Romans 8 describing two kinds of people? How is this different from the idea of it describing two kinds of choices? 4. Read verses 8 and 9. Who are “in the flesh”? Can Christians be “in the flesh”? 5. React to this statement in verse 10: “the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” 6. What do you think “you must die” means in verse 13? 7. Read verse 14 and react to this statement: All believers are being led by the Spirit of God. 8. What does it mean to you to be a “fellow heir with Christ”?