
The Truth About the Sabbath

July 24, 2022

God rested on the seventh day of creation and ordained a Sabbath day of rest for the people of Israel. And while Jesus brought in a new attitude and perspective on keeping the Sabbath, many still teach there’s a physical or spiritual rest we need to pursue.

In this message from Hebrews 4, we’ll see that rest for New Covenant believers isn’t about a day of the week or seeking a new spiritual experience. We don’t need to try to enter God’s rest because we’re already “in”! So take a deep sigh of relief, relax, and enjoy the truth about rest that can permeate your everyday life!

More from 2022

The Gift of Jesus

December 25, 2022

This Christmas season – even amidst the stresses and difficulties we face – we have more to celebrate than baby Jesus in a manger. We believers have the light and life of Jesus in our hearts! But we have the treasure of Jesus in earthen vessels, and people don’t always see the One we contain. So, how does the resurrection life of Jesus get revealed in us? In this unique Christmas message, you’ll learn why bad things happen to good people and what God is doing in the middle of it all. You’ll be invited to view pain in a new and different way – against the backdrop of all that God is renewing in you. Someday, the troubles we’re going through now will be expressed in no more than a single sentence in comparison with the glory revealed in us. But even now, we see glimpses of that glory as we fix our eyes on the invisible gift of God – the gift of Jesus Christ Himself given to us. Check out this unusual Christmas message to learn why Christmas is about more than a manger! Discussion Questions: 1. Read verse 4. How does this shed light on the false idea that God is blinding some people to the Gospel? 2. Read verse 5. How does legalism “preach ourselves” instead of preaching Christ? 3. Read verses 7-12. Notice the “we/us” and then the “you”? Why is this important? Is Paul talking about some sort of “dying to self”? Or is he referring to the physical persecution of the apostles? How can we know? 4. Read verse 15. Reflect on how it might be a beautiful theme verse for The Grace Church and for the message that we hold dear. 5. Read verse 16. How are we being renewed day by day? 6. Read verse 17. What perspective caused Paul to say the afflictions were “momentary” and “light”? 7. Read verse 18. What “unseen” things do you fix your eyes on? Give examples.

Crave – The Father’s Discipline

August 7, 2022

Discipline isn’t usually an attractive topic. Many of us have negative memories of being disciplined as a child and we therefore view discipline as something undesirable. When we think of God’s discipline, maybe we fear it’s His reprimand of our sinful performance. And those of us living under grace may wonder where discipline fits into the Christian life. In this message from Hebrews 12, I share a fresh perspective on God’s discipline and why we can view it as training for the future, not punishment for the past. You’ll be encouraged by God’s heart to coach and counsel you and begin seeing His discipline as an expression of His deep love for you!

The Tale of Two Ministries

July 31, 2022

The most popular message on the planet is the way of religion. It’s about rule-keeping, self-improvement, and trying to impress God in hopes of avoiding judgment. While not as popular, there’s another way of relating to God. The way of grace is Jesus Christ in you, dependence on Him, and walking in confidence that you’re forgiven, righteous, and qualified. In this message from 2 Corinthians 3, we’ll compare these two approaches to life and learn it’s not about what you do but what God did to transform you. Enjoy the beautiful freedom that comes from turning from the Law and choosing the way of grace!