
Marriage Reminder Series: Keep it Holy

May 16, 2024

Transcript: Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another timely Stand in the Gap Minute This week, I’m sharing 5 biblical principles for the defense of God’s design for marriage. First, marriage is God’s idea. Second, it’s the hinge-pin of the family – the cornerstone of authority in society. Third, marriage is between only one man and one woman. The 4th principle is that to preserve the integrity of marriage and the family, it must be kept holy. No violation or variation of marriage or human sexuality other than within the bounds of marriage between one man and one woman is acceptable without bringing predictable consequences to individuals, communities and nations. Heterosexual infidelity, sex outside marriage, homosexuality, or marriage between multiple men or woman all violate God’s order. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and embrace, defend, and live out God’s plan for marriage of one man and one woman? Visit us at American Pastors Network dot net and stand with us.

True Heroes Series: Great Reflection

May 31, 2024

Transcript: Today, we conclude our week’s emphasis on God’s heroes and what made them great. Ever ask yourself, where’re the Elisha’s, the Daniels, the Jobs, the Jeremiahs? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. We long for leaders who can fix our desperate problems. We expect great things from others. Yet, I propose we look in the mirror and ask ourselves the question, God, what do you expect from me? God expects you and me to see God by faith like Elisha and to trust God like Daniel. But He expects us to walk True to God with integrity like Job and speak the Truth of God with courage like Jeremiah. Yes, in our dangerous days, we need godly leaders. Pastors, Fathers, mothers, children, elected officials - God expects us all to be those leaders. Join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV in living out those qualities God ascribes to true heroes. Go to American Pastors network dot net and stand with us.

True Heroes Series: Great in Truth

May 30, 2024

Transcript: Heroes in God’s eyes are needed today more than ever. The prophet Jeremiah was a hero who couldn’t be silent on truth. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. Jeremiah said, ‘when I rebuked the people because of their sins, they ridiculed God and made fun of me. So, I said, I won’t talk of God any longer - but I couldn’t stand being quiet because God’s word became a burning fire shut up in my bones. So, I spoke more boldly of the LORD because He was with me.”  In Jeremiah’s day, the culture’ d forgotten God and rejected His Word. The people were greedy and idolatrous. Unrepentant and evil in heart, God’s judgment was imminent. Calling the people back to God and His word was Jeremiah’s job. The results were up to God. The same is true today. Join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV in calling America back to God. Go to American Pastors network dot net and stand with us for Truth. 

True Heroes Series: Great in Integrity

May 29, 2024

Transcript: This week we celebrated Memorial Day so I’m identifying true heroes and what make them great. Job’s a hero described by God as a man of integrity -“perfect and upright”, fearing God and hating evil- in public and in private. God knew it - and so did Satan. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer, with the American Pastor’s Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. There’s no substitute for men and women of integrity – not in God’s eyes or in today’s corrupted culture. Fathers, mothers, children, pastors, elected leaders - all must aspire to be people of integrity if we wish to be true heroes. Job was ‘perfect’ - blameless before God. He was ‘upright’- right before others – no broken relationships, prevailing in honesty, and consistent biblical living – 24 hours a day. Don’t be fooled, your reputation is what people think you are. But your character, is what God knows you to be. Integrity matters for true heroes. Are you a hero in God’s eyes? Go to American Pastors network dot net and join with other heroes committed to living with integrity.