
Holy Who

The Person, Power, and Practice of the Holy Spirit

What is Spiritual Warfare?

May 17, 2015 • Adam Mabry

The Bible presumes a world in which what we see with our eyes is not the only reality. In fact, we are told that the battle that confronts us day by day is one that is spiritual in nature. If that is true, how does the Holy Spirit help us to fight spiritual battles?

What is the Filling of the Holy Spirit?

May 24, 2015 • Adam Mabry

Few issues have caused as much controversy in the modern church than the concept of being filled with the Spirit, and what that means. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explains what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and the gifts that flow from that filling.

The Gifts of the Spirit

May 10, 2015 • Adam Mabry

One of the more controversial topics in the church is that of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explains the first part of Paul's listing of gifts in 1 Corinthians 12.

The Fruit of the Spirit

May 3, 2015 • Donny Fisher

So often we Christians attempt to bear fruit for God by growing out of our own efforts. In this sermon, Pastor Donny explains why the deep "root stock" of our souls must be transformed to bear fruit in our character for God.

Friendship with the Holy Spirit

April 26, 2015 • Adam Mabry

In this sermon, Pastor Adam unpacked the nature of friendship with God the Holy Spirit. Far from sappy religiosity, we learn in this teaching that friendship with God is critical both to our fruitfulness in the world and happiness in God.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

April 19, 2015 • Adam Mabry

In this sermon we begin our teaching series called, "The Holy Who?" by asking, "Who is the Holy Spirit?"