
Against the Flow

May 5, 2024 • Aaron Buer • 2 Timothy 2:14–26

Pastor Aaron Buer continues our Rekindle sermon series by exploring the challenge of going against the flow. Through Paul's letter to Timothy, we are called to correctly handle the truth of Scripture and pursue holiness by fleeing temptation and surrounding ourselves with others who share our commitment to Christ. We recognize the high stakes of remaining faithful amidst cultural pressures and are inspired to embrace the roles of diligent worker and purified vessel that God can use for His eternal purposes.

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Disappointment and Hope

May 26, 2024 • Jeff Manion • 2 Timothy 4:9–18

Pastor Jeff Manion concludes our Rekindle sermon series by examining the personal relationships surrounding Paul at the end of his life. We witness Paul's mix of painful departures, welcome returns, dangerous enemies, and the ever-present friendship of Christ. We discover the complexities of human relationships and the need to navigate them with wisdom, grace, and spiritual tenacity. Ultimately, we are challenged to anchor our lives in our relationship with Jesus, extending forgiveness while being cautious about harmful influences as we fight the good fight until the end.

The Sacred Trust

May 19, 2024 • Jeff Manion • 2 Timothy 4:1–8

Pastor Jeff Manion continues our Rekindle sermon series by examining Paul's charge to Timothy to guard the sacred trust of the gospel. We witness Paul's unwavering commitment to preach the Word faithfully, even amid growing resistance and the threat of his life. We discover the need for spiritual tenacity, fighting the good fight until the finish while longing for Christ's return and eternal rewards. Ultimately, we are challenged to embrace this same whole-hearted devotion, anchoring our lives in the gospel's truth as we work for the advance of God's kingdom.


May 12, 2024 • Aaron Buer • 2 Timothy 3

Pastor Aaron Buer continues our Rekindle sermon series by examining the powerful influences that shape our lives. We are challenged to anchor ourselves in the transformative power of the gospel rather than living as "lovers of self" and destructive influences. We see the vital impact of spiritual mentors who model a gospel-centered life and the foundational influence of families grounding children in the Scripture. Ultimately, we are called to embrace gospel-rooted identities while intentionally pouring into the next generation as disciples who make disciples.